Aug 06, 2004 18:51
Hilsen fra Bergen!
I'm sitting in a little internet cafe in Bergen, the 2nd largest city in Norway besides Oslo. I seriously want to live here. Bergen is so cool... but a little touristy. We only really have 1 1/2 days here, so I'm trying to fit as much in as possible.
Yesterday was CRAZY. Ann, Russ, Kyle and I woke up early, caught the ferry to Hella (yes, there is a town called Hella), and drove for about an hour and a half to a glacier info center to guy kayaking by a glacier. We met our guide, Andy (swwooonnn), and then headed off on our adventure. Andy is from New Zeland and super hot and I was in love all day. Anyway, we hiked up to this lake at the base of a glacier. Then we kayaked 4 miles to the face of the glacier. It was sooo wild. There were iceburgs in the water from the huge chunks of ice that fall of the glacier. The water in the lake was only about 1 or 2 degrees Celceius. We finally landed on shore and hiked by this enormous glacier for awhile. wowowow I can't even describe it. There are not many places in the world where you can do something like that. We eventually got back in our kayaks and paddled the 4 miles back. It poured rain the entire way back, but Andy and I were champion paddlers together so we made it back quickly. He led us over to a small waterfall and helped me fill my water bottle up with the water. I couldn't believe how good the water tasted. We made it back and I said goodbye to my New Zeland love. Sighhh.
You know what's interesting is that everyone here is very aware of American politics. When they hear that we are from the states they always ask if we are going to vote and then carefully make it clear that they really dislike Bush. They are very happy when we say that we hate Bush and are trying to get his administration out of office. Most Europeans feel this way. Gee, I wonder why... maye Bush should pay attention to what the rest of the world has to say instead of acting unilaterally.
Well, time to have dinner with the fam. Libby and Bree, I am mailing your postcards TODAY. 143333
Harr du Bra!!