Oct 17, 2010 14:18
Well, I suppose if you can't be honest in your LiveJournal you can't be honest anyhere, so here goes.
I have a problem with alcohol.
That is to say, I am not physically addicted to it - I don't need huge amounts every day or suffer withdrawal. No, that would be easier.
The problem is that when I start drinking, I don't stop. And when I'm drunk, I do SERIOUSLY STUPID SHIT. Seriously. The sort of stuff that I look back on (with the distance of months/weeks) and cringe in shame - and I dare say the memories of some of it will be making me cringe in shame for several years to come.
This would be somewhat normal if I were, say, nineteen years old. But I'm not. I turned thirty-one in July and I should be way beyond this.
However, support networks are in place. Now I never drink alone, or in the presence of those who are not aware of my problem, and I never drink more than one standard drink. And never EVER more than once a week (barring a super-special occasion.) This ensures I DO stop at one and do not do stupid shit.