Is it Friday night yet?

Dec 21, 2006 13:07

I know it's only a little over 24 hours away, but those last few hours always seem like an eternity when your waiting for your vacation time to start. Granted I only get one measly little week off unlike the vast majority of you, but hay, a weeks a week and I'm looking forward to it.

I don't really have any plans other than XMAS stuff though, so I'll probably just try catching up on things that I've been procrastinating on for a while now. < thinks... LJ stuff (I'm way behind), WC, Shattered, watch BoB, etc >

OTP like whoa, but.. speaking of LJ, -Note to Self-
... Go icon hunting, I *really* need some new ones. ;;

More OTP and just because it's stuck in my head:
... " But, I like the cookie!! " - Hehe, I like Hammy !!  XP

Umm yah.. moving right along and leaving that part of my scary brain behind...

I really need to finish watching Gankutsuou soon!! I'm silently squee'ing inside waiting to find out how it all ends.
*pokes* people (you know who you are) .. You guys free next week? maybe, possibly, hopefully??

Speaking of series, I decided to take a break from FFXII last night so I start watching "Trinity Blood". I was super sleepy so I only got around to watching the first Ep, but I'm definitely intrigued by the plot line so far. Oooo, & did I mention that "Adeo" is perdy? <3 ::huggles him:: <3

No? well now I did and he is!!

As for FFXII, well lets just say I've officially become a shameless Bash/Balthier whore with over 102 accumulated game hours. What can I say, I just like playing with the boys. In all fairness my girls get just about equal attention though. I've been trying really hard to keep them on equal levels, but it's overly tempting at time to just to leave them on the sidelines. If it wasn't for Fran, with her cool bunny ears, high heals, long legs, & nice rear, err... strut, err.. (did I say that last part out loud?), I probably wouldn't even use my fem!fatal squad nearly as much as I do now.

** warning, slight FFXII sidequest spoilers below **
I've long since finished the main story line right up to the beginning of the final battle, so I'm pretty much just working on my stats & side quests now. I have everyone up to lvl 60 or above thanks to a secret area in the "Nabreus Deadlands", completely filled in everyones "License Board" thanks to the "Gold Armlet", finished about ~30 or so hunts (some of those were a PITA actually),  finished 9 hunts for the rare hunt club, became an errand boy for a bit (they made me do it), and even beat a few of the lower level hidden Espers.

Addicted? Me?? .. mabeh!!

That reminds me, if you try entering the "Necrohol of Nabudis" before completing "Archades", Bash steps out in front of the party and explains what happened to this area in the past, and then promptly yells at you saying that "Entering here is a fools errand, I suggest we turn back".

The higher level Espers are just insane though even with my current stats. Aparently I still have a long way to go before I can fight them, though finding a few Ribbons probably wouldn't hurt. Chaos for example, disables your ability to perform physical attacks right off the bat. As if that wasn't bad enough, he brings along a few elementals with him that like to beat on you while he does his thing. His absolute favorite attack?? Whelp, how about casting sap, disable, disease, poison, & petrify all in one swoop frequently enough that you barely have enough time to keep your hasted self in the green with Ensunga, let alone fight back..

OMG, and the Hell Wyrm, don't even ask!!
 -runs away sobbing like a little girl-

* end spoilers *

I found yet another reason to buy the almighty PSP.

One of these days I might actually break down and convince myself to get one, but it's still hard to justify buying one for a whole 2 games (this and "Crysis Core"), One day I might break down, but that day isn't today. Now if I actually cared about any of the other games it might be a different story, but I dont. As for the whole UMD movie thing, well I could care even less about that feature. ;;

Alright, brain is officially fried so I must go for now. ;;

xmas, trinity.blood, ffxii, vacation, wc, gankutsuou, shattered

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