Random things.. la dee da!!

Dec 09, 2006 02:00

I'm le tired today, the smart thing would be to just goto bed, but it's Friday night.

Then again I am rather bored atm, so who knows how long I'll actually last.

1.. maybe 2 more hours?? we shall see..  ^__^

I suppose I could go play one of my games, but I've already put in ~ 3 hours on FFXII tonight. Speaking of which,  somehow I've managed to accrue 80 hours on it already. I suppose I probably could have finished it a while ago, but I'm being anal and trying to find all the goodies, & work on my marks.

At least Balthier & Bash have learned how to properly take it, my days of being a "rear guard" are long gone!!  XD

Is it wrong that the game practialy plays itself now? I'm way past the normal levels for most areas so it's just kinda like:
 "point them thata way, then sit back and watch my guys maul anything that get's in their path".  Elementals included!!

Actually, it's still rather amusing to watch interestingly enough though..
...Qua~ ya looking at me? Well my super smancy on hit KO ability sword says sit  the F down **bia** ..  ::thwap:: !!!

oO... & the "Pharos at Ridorana" level can officially suck my left  @#%# .  That area sucked major ...... err, butt crack!!

As for my WII'er things in life, I'm still working on TP. I'm kinda taking a break though so Kris can catch back up.
I just feel bad for constantly passing her up. ;;  I don't mean to, but it just happens. School definitely comes first though. ;

At least winter break is just around the corner though so pretty soon you can just.. PLAY PLAY PLAY!!!!

HEE!! The second dungeon is just O so freckin aweshome.. *clomp clomp*... I had way too much fun in it..

You know, I really need some new userpics. Guess it's time to go on an icon shopping spree again!!

Urmm, am I sleeping yet?

ffxii, bored, tp

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