Feb 26, 2013 16:27
Dudes, I'm telling you. Don't add me if you make any of the following kinds of posts to other add_me communities!!!! -
Hi, I am new to live journal, but I will probably be posting a lot about what I do in my sexy sex life!
Hi, I am an amazing incredible person who likes to do all the amazing things that you want to do, except I only have a few bits of information about my life or interests, and, at best, three posts in LJ, which I started three days ago.
Hi, I have been away from LJ since I was a teenager but now I am back and I want a bunch of friends, even though I have no explanation of why I left or why I am coming back or what I expect or who I am!
Hi, I am a sociopathic nerd who keeps getting rejected by communities but I like to do drugs and what the fuck and I don't know what the fuck and so will you add me cuz I rock!
Hi, I am a writer and a major cat lover and I can help you with your math and give you virtual hugs whenever you cut yourself, but you need to comment every day or two because I am constantly making friends cuts!
Hi, I don't want you to add me if you are racist or sexist or homophobic or cruel to animals and so you can listen to me complain about my weight in most of my journals and say yes to everything I post because I am here to insulate myself from the fundamentalist crazies.
Hi, I am a fundamentalist crazy who doesn't have too many friends but I definitely understand if you want to blow up buildings and imitate progressives like a parrot, only to use it against them, and Obama is an Anti-Christ Muslim communist gun-grabber, so add me if you like wallowing in conspiracy theories!
Hi, I am way leftist and open-mind, and I want to add very open-minded people even though I think that everyone except me is wrong and puritanically trans-fatty unless they voted for Obama, which is why we are in Mali, thank God, please add me and deal with my didactic poetry!