Apr 16, 2004 01:43
As I walked down the hall dragging a trash bag behind me, I heard a door open, and Amanda the RA peeked from her room and offered me a krispy kreme doughnut. Naturally, refusal is not an option when confronted with a krispy kreme doughnut. So, jittery with anticipation, I entered her room.
But nothing is free. Or, at least, krispy kreme doughnuts aren't. Or, at least they weren't in this particular case.
As payment I had to translate what it said on a shirt she bought from some russian lady who was selling USSR paraphernalia. The lady didn't speak any english, so Amanda bought a t-shirt at random.
The things we sometimes buy at random.
This was the awesomest t-shirt I have ever seen.
On it was a picture of Yuriy Gagarin. Above him was his signature. And at the very top it said, "Kosmos budyet sluzhit' lyudyam."
In the true spirit of mother Russia.