Today I woke up to the sound of Peter Griffin's voice in my own head. It was 7AM, and he and his fellow student chorus were shouting "Gotta give it up, gotta give up the toad now, ooh ooh ooh!!"
"Oh God," I thought, and decided that perhaps it's best to sleep on it and wake up a few hours later in mental peace and quiet.
A couple of hours later, at 9AM, I woke up, once again, to Peter Griffin, as he informed me that my kids will be born without eyelids, and he didn't sound like he was planning to shut up any time soon either. So I went back to sleep, until I woke up again at 10.
"Or you'll seeee, it hurts to peeeee!"
I went back to sleep, and woke up an hour later. This time it was the end of the song, he was singing "I'm no fool, Lando's cool," and I was pretty sleepy and out of it, so I figured, ah, he got to the end. Thank God.
But no, as soon as he was done he just started singing little fragments, consisting mostly of "Gotta give it up, gotta give up the toad now," and it was already 11AM. I got up feeling pretty demented and, at this point, sort of crazily mind-rocking to the beat.
Interestingly enough, during free drawing that went away. I think it's because one of my favorite models was there today, and the song just doesn't really complement her well - it yielded me to her for a while.
But, of course, as soon as that was over, I put down my drawing pad and charcoal, and my eye pupils contracted back to their normal size, the song was back.
I suppose the point of all this is that, all things considered, there are much worse things to get stuck in your head. Today my whole day was pretty much about not doing toad, and seriously, I'm psyched to take that stand. I'm giving that shit up, and this time I mean it.
Thanks Peter.
Also, I have
tested it. The verdict: I do not recommend.