A lot has happened since my last update.
boulevard_trash turned 21 finally. Her mom bought us dinner and brought cake, yum!
I saw Danzig with Doyle. They played for and hour and a half including a 30 minute Misfits set. Awesome.
Halloween was alright. I got really wasted. I didn't really get to go everywhere I wanted to go, but I had fun. Over the weekend Summer, Kurt and I were all mobsters. We had matching outfits. It was pretty cute, especially since it was so last minute. Halloween night I was some sort of Japanese lolita doll. People had trouble recognizing me - ha. Summer let me borrow a wig and a dress of hers. I got a lot of compliments :)
I modeled in the Club DeVille fashion show. My hair was awesome - huge fifties style pincurl up-do. I haven't seen that many pics yet, though.
I got a haircut. My ex did it. He did a great job. It's not much shorter but it feels much healthier and less bulky.
I interviewed for a new job tonight and got hired. That means I have three jobs, unless you count Rawtime, which would make four jobs (not sure djing counts either). I'm a maniac. A very restless one. I'm excited about this new gig, though :) I've been so busy lately I hardly have time to wash my hair! Today was my day off, though. I took it easy. We slept all day, I ate some Italian food, watched Dodgeball, then took a nap until the Fed went to work. Totally a lazy day. It felt so good!!!
I'm ready to hit the sack. Nite lj land.