I was at the Equestrian Center and someone slid up beside me to say "They want to see you in the office."
Now, when you are as rebellious, outspoken, and generally against the grain as I am, my first reaction was "What did I do now?"
Apparently, I was not in trouble but something else was.
This young little lady bun was dumped at the Equestrian Center because ya know, there are wild bunnies there so of COURSE a domestic bunny would be just fine out of the blue when it's starting to drop down in the low 30's at night! Damnit people are just insensitive and dumb sometimes.
Would anyone like a little rabbit? She's litterbox trained for her urine (I was shocked too!) and really friendly. Her fur is matted at her hindquarters and ribs but I've got those almost all worked out. She's on the thin side but that too is resolving itself with a good diet of dark leafy greens and pellets.
It doesn't seem to stop her cannibalistic tendancies:
Bunneh is creeping me out "Watership Down" style
She wants to play with Twitchy, who thinks she is one ugly squirrel
But you want to know, what GOOD are bunnehs? I mean, cats eat mice, dogs sound alarms, but what do rabbits do?
Let me help.
Rabbits are great when your TV isn't getting good reception and the recession has you cutting your cable bill.
Simply put rabbit on top of television and adjust the antennae as needed.
Garbage disposal not working anymore?
Rabbits will take care of those pesky left over greens. Also, you can give them dandelions and help keep your lawn greener!
So, they help with enterttainment, finances, lawncare AND help you lessen your waste. Bunnies are green!
And let us not forget what terrible taste in couches you have. Bunnies are cute and distracting and no one will notice that mustard yellow fuzzy thing you got from your mom's basement. They will be looking at the cute.