The Pirates Mystery

Feb 04, 2008 18:00

I've got a confession to make: I've never been a huge fan of "Pirates of the Caribbean". I did watch the first two movies and liked them in a vague sort of way, but I didn't really get into the swing of things. And now I have found myself in the possession of the third part, started to watch it and have realised that I've got no idea how the characters got to where they are. I can't be bothered to re-watch part two (I'd have to rent the DVD), but I'd really like to know why Geoffrey Rush is back, why Keira is in Shanghai and where Orlando is. (I remember Johnny being eaten by the Giant Squid.) So, even though I'm a bad fangirl: Would anyone like to explain Important Plot Points to me? Please?

On a totally unrelated note:

What is your perfect guy/girl comprised of?


- Hotness is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. This indicates that you are mostly into having an attractive partner. You prefer to date around, and don't usually get attached.

Take this quiz at

I don't usually post quiz results, but this one is a) embarrassingly true and b) rather misleading at the same time. Because I think there is a difference between "actively choosing" certain character traits in a partner and "taking them for granted". See, a high education level, intelligence, and similar interests are things that I take perfectly for granted - not to mention "kindness" in the broadest possible sense. These are basically the only men I ever interact with - I wouldn't be able to interact socially with anyone with whom I wasn't able to, y'know, talk about stuff and who didn't display intelligence and humour. And within that group of intelligent, witty, sophisticated, artsy people, it will be the hot ones that will attract me and whom I will actively choose (if they let me, the picky bastards).

The reason why I mention this at all is because I find it rather interesting how the "taking things for granted" thing has changed within a few generations. For my granny - may she rest in peace - not being beaten up by a husband was something to be happy about and grateful for and not something that should be a matter of course. She actually once told my Mum after Mum had had a row with my Dad that she had nothing to complain about - after all, Dad wasn't an alcoholic and didn't beat her!* Today, hardly anyone would expect me to specify that I wished to not be beaten up by my partner - we take it for granted. As I do with intelligence and education. Hotness, on the other hand, is a desirable extra.

*Granddad didn't use to beat up Granny, either. But for her, it was still something worth pointing out as the trait of a good husband.

boys and girls, feature films

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