Wow ... so it's been quite some time since I've posted. Well, let's see - Henry is now 11 and a half weeks old and I gotta say that he's just the coolest baby ever. For the most part, he's a happy little baby. He cries when he's hungry, tired or wet (but for some reason he's totally content to sit in his own poo ... what the hell?) but other than that, he's just all smiles. I cannot express how awesome this motherhood thing is. The first few weeks were beyond rough, but we've got our groove down now. We spend our days playing, reading poetry, listening to music ... it's kinda ideal. Of course, at the end of the day I need a little me-time, but still, after an hour or so doing my thing, I start to miss looking at him.
angelstoil is always telling me, "I'll take care of him for awhile ... go away!" but it's hard when there's this little bundle just cooing away on the floor. You just HAVE to stare at him - his smile is infectious.
He's sleeping about 4 or 5 hours in a row now which seems like heaven. Of course, his new thing is that he eats about 5am or so, then is up an hour later wanting to play, only to conk out again a half-hour later. What a freak. But I can't really complain - he's healthy, he's happy, and he's beautiful. I know that all parents are biased but let's be real - he really is one of the cutest babies ever.
It's funny, you'd think after all this time I'd have more to say about me but I really don't. Um, let's see ... oh, I'm getting really annoyed with my body. I'm sure all you mothers out there can relate. I just cannot seem to get rid of these last 10 pounds and it's driving me mad! And let's not mention my new little pooch - I look like a damn kangaroo. Luckily, I was blessed enough to avoid any stretch-marks but this little skin-bubble is really aggravating me. Ah well, give it time, right? I started back on my tread-mill about a month and a half ago, which I hope helps, and I actually was able to do some sit-ups today. Anyway, I know that I shouldn't concentrate and obsess about my "new" body too much since it produced my most wonderful son, but I'm a girl and I need to obsess over some body flaw.
Henry is developing so much, though! He can put his hands in his mouth (on purpose!) now, hold his head up for longer periods, and if you hold him steady, he's able to bear weight on his legs ... I mean, he pretty much stands on his own as long as you make sure he doesn't teeter over. I've had to pack away soooo many baby clothes already. At his 2 month appointment, he was already 12 pounds and 24 and a half inches (which, according to the doc, is pretty long - they think he's gonna be a tall one). He took his first round of immunizations like a pro, and battled his first cold. Whatta guy.
Anywhoo, I don't really have much else to report on since this is all I do. I have MANY pictures posted in my gallery of him (somehow I seem to find the time to post pictures but not make any actual posts) and, if anyone reading this has time, you should check 'em out here Yes, I know, there are a lot, but the last gallery (titled "This is all I do all day") has the most recent shots.
But anyway, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Erik and I are hoping to make it out next month to 80's night, but then, the last two times we've planned on going out something came up and Grandma wasn't able to make it to Madison (mice chewed through the wires in her car the first time - if that's not a sign that we weren't suppose to go out, I don't know what is). But, with luck, we WILL be out next month.
'Til then ...