I have been reading the posts of many people about how terrible 2005 was, how they hope 2006 is better because 2005 really sucked for them. Well, folks, it didn't suck for me. Oh sure I had my ups and downs just like everyone else, but I'm not going to dwell on what was bad about 2005, too depressing. Instead, I'll do my year in review of what was good...
In January:
There was Arisia and the Blizzard, it was fun being stuck in the hotel during the blizzard and hearing the wind howling outside from my room on the top floor. And looking out and not being able to see the streets or buildings below. Sure I was nervous and had that feeling that I just want to be home so I could hunker down and make sure things are okay with the cats, but being snowed in at the hotel with 2000 other people was fun. Shoveling out when we got home the next day well, that I could have done without, but it was still fun, I like snow.
In February:
There was
tamidon's Luau, with yummy food and good friends.
In March:
I celebrated my one year anniversary of having perfect vision. I haven't had perfect vision since I was four years old, I'm still marveling at how clearly I can see.
I met up with Kevin McBride the head of research at the Pequot museum and made arrangements to work for several weeks on the reservation doing archaeology.
Got to go to a concert at Mohegan Sun, one of my childhood teen idols, David Cassidy, he put on a good show.
In April:
I went to a party and had more yummy food, this time Authentic Mexican Tamalis. And really good chocolate.
G and I also visited Battleship Cove, and a Sheep Sheering Festival.
In May:
I spent my first week working on the Rez in Connecticut, doing archaeology. Had a great time, was so tired when I finished each day, but it was good tired. Met many many cool people, all archaeologists, got to work with the pros. We worked a site where they were building a new housing project.
We went to Balticon in Baltimore, again a good time was had. We tried to go to the Baltimore Aquarium one day but tickets were sold out when we got there so we just enjoyed walking around the inner harbor area in the warm sun.
In June:
Another week in Connecticut, this week working with inner city school groups teaching them how we do archaeology and why. Some of the kids were great, many had never been in the woods before and were afraid of getting dirty. It was still fun, again worked with many cool people.
Also taught
whuffle how to do canning, we had a good time making Strawberry jam and we both learned about the importance of sugar in jams...
In July:
Another week in Connecticut, This time I was working a disturbed burial ground. I was a bit concerned about how I would feel but it was just like any other site. We found remains, yes, and they were treated with special care, but we were just recovering. There wasn't as much laughter or fun chatter on this site, many of the people working it were much younger than me and still students, so we didn't have too much in common. But it was a good experience none the less and I can now say I have recovered human remains.
Harry Potter 6 hit the stores and I spent nearly a week reading it.
G and I went to BIll Staines concert.
And then there was Baitcon, and lots and lots of ice cream, which was great fun as usual.
I got a call from the Curator at a local historical society - she had a job for me, granted it was a contract job, and it wos only for a few months, but it was still some income and it was working with the American Indian collection, something I very much enjoyed.
G and I went to the Marshfield Fair, another nice day.
Started working at the historical society two or three days a week.
Went to the quilt museum fabric sale with
whuffle and we bought lots of fabric and stuff, it was a good day.
Went to the Bolton Fair, entered many of my projects in the fair and came away with quite a few ribbons as well as a Best in Show ribbon for my beadwork.
I went to the New England Aquarium and met up with
bedfull_o_books and
r_ness on one Saturday, saw the penguins!
G and I took a long anticipated vacation to Niagara Falls. It was a cold rainy and snowy weekend but we still had a great time doing all the touristy things and taking pictures. We hit the casinos, went under the falls, bought good chocolate, walked until we could walk no more then soaked in the jacuzzi in our room and ate way too much food at really good restaurants.
In November:
Had a job interview for a real job, alas nothing came of it, much of November was dealing with a nasty throat plague and sick cat, but it wasn't a bad month, we just really didn't get out much.
I flew down to DC and spent two days doing the museums, the NMAI, American History Museum and the Zoo, Saw the baby panda! and baby cheetahs that aren't so little anymore.
Went to the Holocaust Museum Holiday party with
turtleduck, and on Saturday hooked up with G, who had driven down, Had lunch with his brother H and then went to a party at
chesuli's. Drove home on Sunday.
Christmas with my family, although stressful was mostly uneventful, this is a good thing.
And that was my year. Oh sure I had bad times too. We were dealing with a sick cat who ended up in ICU for a while. And then there was the fiasco with Aspen Dental, but I did eventually get my money back and find a dentist I have been comfortable with. Sure, I didn't get a real job, but I also didn't look too hard. I missed many parties because I wasn't feeling quite well enough to attend. But in all my year didn't suck.
So I find it hard to believe that you all had such a horrible 2005, there must have been some good in there someplace? In any case, I wish you all a better 2006.