Are you there yet?

Mar 06, 2010 00:34

How is that resolution coming along? Have you reached your fitness goal? I'm not there yet, but I'm definitely on the path to success! It is not an easy road, as you may know. There are so many distractions, and daily living gets in the way, however, staying focus and keeping that vision of a more svelte you in your 'mind's eye" will help to keep you on track...I know it does for me! If fitness wasn't your resolution, I hope that you're still on track towards your goals!

I typed the words - Focus, Focus, FOCUS, printed in small to larger type on a plain paper and posted it where I can see it at home. Whenever I do see it, I remind myself to stay focus. I do get so distracted easily. Being a working mom with children of varying age and a grandson running around, and let's not forget hubby too, staying focus can be quite a fete!

The weather has been so unpredictable lately. It's hot, then cold, then even colder! My allergies have not been this bad in a very long time. A change of prescription is definitely in order!

I've only worked out three times this week. Twice I went jogging, and one night I did Wii Fit & Wii Sports. Although I am forgetting my morning walks with the Ladies Who Walk at work...hmmm, we did walk at least four times this week, so I guess I didn't do so badly after all! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel and a rainbow under every cloud if you look for it! So go on, go find yours!

focus, fitness goals, resolutions

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