Choice has been impressive. I have to say I am touched with how endurable Dino-kun has proven himself to be: definitely the most perfect target. I really, really have to thank Hibari-chan for setting up such an appealing motivation that did make his certain hormones run wild. Very effective indeed. Too bad I just had to allow myself withdrawal from the game with the courtesy of my sweetheart's punctured lung and broken ribs.
That aside, it seems more interesting people have arrived at this university. Two moles coming out of their holes. How lovely. But with the King of the moles and his chair here, it is quite expected. And Gen-chan...ah, yes, Gen-chan, my loyal servant and faithful believer is here as well. [He laughes.]
How convenient. With Gen-chan here and Mammon-kun having to keep his own part of the deal as my cute little servant for two days, I will have more than enough of mist flame's constructive ability at my disposal. Mist people are indeed lovely, especially those with excessive amount of curiosity. Welcome to my harem .
[ To Gen-chan: ]
Gen-chan, from now on, I need someone in a pink bunny suit to go buy my daily dose of marshmallows every morning. Since your God will be busy in those wee hours before the time for his classes, he will be pleased enough if you just leave his marshmallows in front of his dorm room.
[ Private to Mammon-kun: ]
I hope you still remember my last order to you, my lovely servant. Yes, for these two days you will have to make everything that can tell time in the university to never strike 11 pm. My additional order here is that you - being quite well and unhurt from Choice - keep an eye on the infirmary. If Daemon-kun happens to come within the vicinity, if you cannot stop him, slow him down and immediately report to me. If you do your job well with this so-called Varia Quality of yours, I will be happy to complete the rest of our pact.
[ Private to my one and only sweetheart: ]
Your performance in Choice was impressive. Very impressive. I know you have always been a masochist but I didn't expect you to really let my pet break your ribs and puncture your lung just for the sake of taking me out of Choice. As your punishment, your husband-to-be will have to forbid you any feeding of your favorite chocolate until you are well enough to come out of the infirmary.
And because I have noticed a lot of you cute people - professors and students included - are showing more interest in the attractive subject of trolling, I'm offering a brand-new special class (with no university credit, of course). Enroll whenever you feel like you need special tutoring. I will be welcoming you.
Special Class and Tutoring
Principles of Trolling and Horripilation: How to Effectively and Efficiently Troll
Learn how to be a proper troll with teaching and tutoring from best of the best to do worst of the worst. With the right guiding and direction, you will be able to make people choke on their drinks, get goosebumps, and fear or even appreciate your trolliness. Enroll now and let's get the troll party started.
Student(s) Enrolled:
princelybel ishatrainbows glaciercleavage