Although I will tell you, primarily, that I claim absolutely no recognizable affiliation to the Zendik farm, I will indeed claim adherence to the above statement. All too frequently the interweb is inundated with people's (most frequently, written in a disgustingly poor style that seems to be the fad of the moment, indicative of poor training in wordsmithing of any recognizable sort,) opinions, but no reporting whatsoever of people actually being agents for social change. In light of that, I am offering the following
article as a stepping stone towards a better tomorrow. Also, you should check out their ancillary websites
here and
here. Get enough people involved could indeed bring down the repressive regimes of national leaders in the pockets of the OPEC interests, as well as the global temperature. So much for the idea that 'ethanol technology isn't ready to go large scale'. Pay careful attention to the fact that you will in fact chop the cost in half by way of government incentives for alternative fuels, etc.
Check it out, check it out....
Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood social deviant.