The upshot of yesterday, despite getting the a/c unit finally installed into the office space of my apartment (thank the gods, cuz, I dunno if y'all have been following the weather in the tri-state region, but, suffice it to say I felt boiled in oil after yesterday. Today was even worse), I managed to get one more tattoo finished that I can now add to my portfolio of completions. So, when I said yesterday that I wanted to follow my dream, it was as a full-time artist in a shop or something of the sort. I guess the comfort of my own home is not so bad either. Had to keep the girls away from the experience for obvious reasons, but, they had enough cool air to keep them regulated, and plenty of water. The victim was one of the characters on the security detail who was just too excited and had to have something. The picture is not in very good focus, but, you can get the idea. And in real life, it's not a huge black blob at the end of Michael, it's a fine line curly queue of which I'll just have to get a better picture next time.