12am go to sleep
6:50am alarm radio plays OPB
7:10am turn off alarm clock early because of pledge drive
7:15am get up. put on sweat pants, old tshirt
7:17am start washing machine
7:18am restart website after taking down the server last night
7:19am check email for anything really important
7:20am put on running shoes
7:21am stretch
7:24am start running
7:33am finish mile 1
7:37am stop half way through mile 2
7:40am pour cereal, milk
7:40am take shower
7:44am put on today's clothes
7:45am drag
doncam from livingroom to kitchen for breakfast show
7:46am start organic, free-range eggs on low heat
7:47am eat cereal (cereal has had time to soak by now) and read east county paper
7:50am put empty bowl with leftover milk on floor for
kitteh7:45am scramble eggs, put on plate with fresh organic salsa
7:46am eat eggs
7:50am drag doncam back to livingroom
7:51am read email, blog feeds
8:15am check in for work without leaving the livingroom