Aug 10, 2004 01:38
For someone who is on vacation, I have certainly been filling up the schedule with so many things.
I was reminded in very bold ways how very much I am loved by the people around me, and how good and faithful God is to me and how much he does to meet me where I am at.
Today, I was meeting with my district manager to discuss the "Garden City affair." (Read yesterday's entry. My meeting was at 3pm at Hauppauge, and I spent all morning with that sick-pit-of-your-stomach-dread feeling that comes with the fear of the unknown.
Not sure of what I needed to do to calm down, I decided to be constructive and go to the parish and get some things done to pre-occupy myself. The first thing that happened to remind me that God has my back was Fr. Midura's concern for me, and his promise of prayers and interest in talking to me later in the evening to hear what was happening with my career and my meeting.
Even though I was feeling a little less fearful, I decided to call Jeanne cause she is one of those people who just ALWAYS has the right thing to say, even if it isn't what I am ready to hear. Suprisingly enough, God had Jeanne, and most of the Monsees clan (my second family) at Quiznos for lunch which was smack in the middle of the parish and my meeting. So I had the opportunity to see Jeanne... and Steven, and Willy, and Peter, and RuthAnn, and Mary. Once again, I had the need to feel family and community at that moment, and God had my back and delivered on His promise to be faithful to me.
My meeting went better then I expected it to. Ajaz told me that Garden City is the next step to my becoming a Branch er... Center Manager. He feels that 3 months there and I will be ready for my own store, and that he really wants to see that happen. I decided to leave it in God's hands and trust him... so back to Garden City I go for a third time. As much as I complain, it's gonna be hard to leave Stony Brook, which I built with my own two hands.
So after I left my meeting, I went home to unwind and process. Right there by the door is my dog Daisy, wagging feverishly because she is so excited to see me. She wouldn't leave me alone for a long long time, and God reminded me that anytime I need a friend, He is faithful and provides that.
After talking to my family, watching Judge Judy, and scoffing down some home-made brownies, I went back to the parish.
Youth Group tonight had about 60 people, and 3 new ones too. There was just this amazing energy and feeling of unity and family there tonight. The sky was brilliant blue, the air was calm and warm, and everything was right in the world, and God reminded me that this church is a home and a sanctuary for me.
Then I met Joe. Joe is one of the newly confirmed teens who is entering 9th grade in September. He just decided tonight to take the initiative to come down and check it out, and God reminded me that I don't have a job, but a mission with these teenagers, and that He is there with me every step of the way.
So, at the Good Night, Jeanne shared her thoughts with us about feeling like Peter and sinking into the sea of doubt instead of walking on the water. Sitting in the circle and getting a chance to listen to an old youth group favorite by Jaci Velazquez "I Will Rest in You", God reminded me that He is the only rest and strength that I will ever need.
At the end of the Good Night, I looked around at the circle. Truthfully, it's hard to see my life without any of the people who were sitting there. Whether it be someone new like Joe, Conrad, or Paul - or someone who has been there for a long time, God reminded me that being a Home that welcomes isn't just about a building, or a church, or a youth group. WE are meant to be HOMES that welcome others. Our hearts need to be willing to love others for who they are, and who they aren't, and have a HOME in our HEARTS for them.
So then I had the college group at the diner. And after some food and fun, God reminded me with the people sitting there who have mostly been in my life for few years now, that He is yesterday, today, and forever, and that a lifetime is not too long to live as friends.
Then I got a call on my cell from Kim Phan, who wanted to catch up. And I got to talk to Perry and Mike Walsh and Phil online for a while, and God reminded me that no matter the distance, friends are the family we chose for ourselves, and the family that He chooses for us.
As Megan Cosgrove says in her profile: STMYM - we'll keep the love that keeps us strong.
So today was a day full of reminders.