(no subject)

Jun 17, 2005 04:46

I n F o R m A t I o N
.:. name: Donald Edward Tobianski
.:. single or taken: takenz0rz
.:. sex: opposite of female
.:. birthday: 12/21/1985
.:. siblings: 1
.:. hair color: reddish gold
.:. eye color: blue-green
.:. shoe size: 12-13
.:. height: 6'0"

R e L a T i O n S h I p S
.:. who is your best friend?: luke rob and kade
.:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: viktoria

F a S h I o N
.:. where is your favorite place to shop: gamestop
.:. any tattoos or piercings: nyet

S p E c I f I c S
.:. do you do drugs?: no
.:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: either VO5 of pantene pro-V
.:. what are you most scared of?: someone i love being hurt
.:. who is the last person that called you?: luke
.:. where do you want to get married?: viva las (not in) vegas
.:. how many buddies are online right now?: one that isnt away/idle. its 4am
.:. what would you change about yourself?: my inability to walk down the street without being attacked by nazis

F a V o R i T e S
.:. color: red and black
.:. food: pizza
.:. boys names: dante
.:. girls names: viktoria
.:. subjects in school: engrish
.:. animals: dragon
.:. sports: soccer, basketball, football

H a V e Y o U e V e R
.:. given anyone a bath?:no, unless my dogs count
.:. smoked?: nevar
.:. bungee jumped?: nope
.:. made yourself throw up?: no
.:. skinny dipped?: no
.:. ever been in love?: yeah
.:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
.:. pictured your crush naked?: yep
.:. actually seen your crush naked?: *nods*
.:. cried when someone died?: nope
.:. lied: rofl, of course
.:. fallen for your best friend?: no
.:. been rejected?: yes (i think?)
.:. rejected someone?: no
.:. used someone?: ;)
.:. done something you regret?: who hasnt?

C u R r E n T
.:.clothes: blue SOAD shirt and blue workout shorts
.:. music: Franz Ferdinand album
.:. make-up: none
.:. annoyance: how tired ive been lately
.:. smell: absolutely nothing
.:. favorite group: extremely hard to say
.:. desktop picture: PUPPIES AND COCAINE!
.:. book youre reading: none right now but im ognna start one by solzhenitsyn soon
.:. in cd player: mix 40
.:. in dvd player: none, since my PS2 is my DVD player and im playing disgaea

A r E y O u
.:. understanding: horrifyingly
.:. open-minded: yes
.:. arrogant: yeah, sometimes
.:. insecure: not often
.:. interesting: id hope so. people seem to like talking to me
.:. random: oh hell yes
.:. hungry: almost never. i go long periods without foodt
.:. smart: just ask me to explain black holes or inviolate singularities
.:. moody: on occasion
.:. hard working: i work hard for the money, beeyeeyatch
.:. organized: 95% of the time
.:. healthy: pretty much
.:. shy: nope
.:. difficult: when i want to be
.:. attractive: hmmm, ask someone else for an unbiased opinion
.:. bored easily: no
.:. messy: no
.:. obsessed: with not being obsessed lol

R a N d O m
.:.In the morning i am: tired and cold
.:. all i need is: friends and money
.:. love is: difficult and dangerous but worth it
.:. i dream about: a ton of random shit

O p P o S i T e
.:. what do you notice first: face, i automatically look at the face, then the body
.:. last person you slow danced with: viktoria
.:. worst question to ask: LOL DUDE WHY IS YOUR FACE RED KEKEKEKEKE
.:. makes you laugh the most: anything thats really funny...?
.:. makes you smile: too much to type out
.:. who do you have a crush on: three guesses
.:. who has a crush on you: two more guesses

D o Y o U

.:. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you? no, since theyre never on as late as i am
.:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: i can be either one, my middle name is Ranma
.:. wish you were younger: nope. ugh
.:. cried because someone said something to you?:Do you cried because someone said something to you? Do you taked grammar school much, survey writer?

N u M b E r
.:. of times i have had my heart broken: once
.:. of hearts i have broken: none i know of
.:. of continents i have lived in: one
.:. of tight friends: 5
.:. of cds i own: 300+
.:. of scars on my body: 10+

F i N a L q U e S t I o N s
.:. do you like fillings these out?: sure
.:. gold or silver: silver
.:. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Lords of Dogtown
.:. favorite cartoon/anime?: Gungrave is good, but im not sure of my favorite
.:. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothimg,  got up at 1
.:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: one more guess
.:. could you live without your computer?: yeah, but itd suck
.:. would you color your hair?:black or white
.:. could you ever get off the computer?: yes, i will be in 30 mins lol
.:. habla espanol?: yo hablo espanol
.:. how many people are on your buddy list?: 69 LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
.:. drink alcohol?: get out much?

10 years ago I:
1. was 9
2. was in 4th grade
3. was fighting the turks in the deep underground empire of Lamber
4. didnt own a badass katana
5.  cut off my evil third arm

5 years go I:
1. was 14
2. was in 8th grade
3. battler the iffilid infiltrators in the Winding Gardens in High Olendar
4. had yet to fill out
5. cut off my evil fourth arm

yesterday I:
1. went to ally's birthday party
2. talked on the phone
3. ate twelve whole pounds of nothing
4. cut off my evil 11th toe
5. was tired, and i still am lol

today I:
1. its after midnight so: worked on this survey
2. played disgaea
3. finished my 2liter of mountain dew :(
4. istened to franz ferdinand
5. talked to kade and rob online

tomorrow I will:
1. talk on the phone
2. take a shower
3. eat something
5. devour at least 128 souls

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. ice cream
2. pineapple
3. celery
4. baby carrots
5. chips

5 songs I know all the words to, even without the music:
1. System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B.
2. most any Marilyn Manson song
3. most any David Bowie song
4. a good number of Frank Zappa songs (i cant say most any since theres like 800 of them)
5. Outkast - Bombs Over Baghdad

5 things I would do with $1,000:
1. buy some games
2. buy an ipod
3. get my truck looked at
4. some new clothes
5. get another katana

top 5 locations I`d like to run away to:
1. england
2. germany
3. hawaii
4. new york?
5. japan

5 bad habits I have:
1. dead sexy (:P)
2. getting attacked by fucking naxis all the time
3. arrogant sometimes
4. tnot enough sleep
5. lack of third and fourth arms

5 things I like doing:
1. playing disgaea
2. hanging with my friends
3. listening to music
4. being intimate
5. being alone

5 things I would never wear:
1. retro fashions
2. women's clothing
3. sandals with socks
4. a toupee
5. armor with under 3000 AC. ewww

5 T.V. shows I like:
1. Family guy
2. simpsons
3. malcolm in the middle
4. almost any anime
5. robot chicken

5 movies I like:
1. Equilibrium
2. Saved!
3. Sin City
4. Be Cool
5. Garage Days

5 famous people I'd like to meet:
1. David Bowie
2. Marilyn Manson
3. Frank Zappa
4. Jesus
5. Che Guevara

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