Yeah yeah.... DOMA upheld

Jul 26, 2006 10:45

So yeah, it sucks. This, however, was my favorite line from the folks who won:

"I think that, historically, marriage has been about providing for the next generation, and that it is only in the modern era that we've decided the issue is love between two people," Swecker said. "Love comes and goes, but a commitment to the next generation has to be sustainable. If we start to redefine marriage, it will diminish our commitment to marriage and stable families for future generations."

That's Sen. Dan Swecker, R-Rochester. So for all you married folks who honestly... come on... don't love each other and merely got married so that your combined earning power would provide for the youngin's - let Senator Swecker know how you feel. God knows love doesn't factor into marriage anymore, I mean who are we kidding?

Seriously though, what's he trying to say? That throughout the millenia that marriage has been in practice we as a race have seen it more as a way to provide than a symbol of ultimate love? What picture is he painting by saying that marriage is only just now about love... like it was some stupid hippie concept or something. I hate to say it but it's such a typical Republican response - when the anti-DOMA institutions started campaigning based on the love between same-sex couples and that marriage was less a government-device and more a symbolic expression the Republican party decides to try and take away that aspect from the "institution". "You want love," they say, "sorry, marriage doesn't mean love! You must be thinking of something else!"

And the Democrats! Sheesh. Chicken-shit bastiches. Hello... it's called not discriminating by offering services to one group of people and not another. There are laws in this country against that.

Besides... Bush started WORLD WAR 3 (WWIII is trademarked the Fox News Channel).
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