Seriously government... you must think we're dolts. Oh, wait. Over half of America IS a dolt. I forgot.
Read this story on the
Alaska drilling initiative. Of particular note is that first sentence, "Citing the public outcry over $3-a-gallon gasoline and America's heavy reliance on foreign oil..." yeah because you motherfuckers STARTED A WAR! You KNEW oil prices would skyrocket because of this and now you are blaming US? I don't deny America is dependent on its fossil fuels but hey, here's an opportunity. Encourage us and the corporations you hold so dear to begin focusing on renewable resources. Trust me it's a lot easier and doesn't involve bloodshed! Maybe a papercut here and there.
I've been researching electric cars for fun and a conversion to make a gas-powered car into an EV (electric vehicle) costs as much as a decently packaged new car. You can, however, do it yourself for around $10,000 assuming you have the equipment. EVs, especially the homebuilt models, can reach highway speeds. But their range leaves something to be desired. An ideal solution, until more efficient EVs come about, is an electric/biodiesel hybrid. Some intrepid folks I'm sure are working on that conversion. Time will tell. Until then I only drive my car when riding a bus would be impractical. This past week I've been walking a lot more than usual, which is nice.
Anyway, write to your senators and encourage them to reject the House bill and implore them to seek backing for renewable energy! Jesus Christ I'm turning into a yuppie.