Mon, 12:08: Today is not starting off to be a good day. Looks like dog is having tummy issues and Logan has thrown up twice. Not a nice way to wake up.
Mon, 12:13: & still gaining weight. Pretty sure it's water weight since the bp pill had a diuretic in it & I'm off the bp pill, but it's aggravating.
Mon, 12:14: The way it's going, it'll wipe out my entire weight loss for the year by the end of the week. :(
Mon, 12:29: So, according to everything I'm reading, I could gain as much as 8 pounds before my body adjusts. Now that's just annoying. :P
Mon, 12:44: Okay, have about 2 hours before boyo gets home & we tackle the kitchen together. Need to eat something, need to work on edits for the job.
Mon, 12:45: I probably should get started, especially since I won't get far in the edits in 2 hours. No, seriously, I won't, & it's not my fault. :P
Mon, 14:49: Boyo is home and putting away dishes. After he takes the dog out, we start cleaning the kitchen. Go, us!
Mon, 14:56: Okay, time to tackle the kitchen. Meh.
Mon, 15:34: Fridge done. 5 or 10 minute break. Head hurts, but really need to finish the rest of that kitchen. It's a disaster. :P
Mon, 15:35: Course, it'll be a disaster again in a day or two. That floor shows EVERYTHING. :P
Mon, 16:09: I spent 1 hour and 5 minutes House Cleaning. 272 calories burned. #LoseIt
Mon, 16:10: Having to break up the kitchen cleaning (do the fridge one week, the oven another) makes me feel lame. :(
Mon, 16:11: And, yes, I know that's stupid. Being off the bp meds isn't helping either. I can feel the difference. At least I know when to take a break.
Mon, 16:21: Okay, time to straighten what boyo "put away" then sweep and mop and I'll be done until it's time to work on dinner.
Mon, 16:46: I spent 25 minutes House Cleaning. 105 calories burned. #LoseIt
Mon, 17:24: Pork marinating. Meanwhile, having a snack of strawberries, vanilla Greek yogurt, and multigrain Cheerios on top. :)
Mon, 17:36: Amen. RT @ notjustanyboggs: If it takes more than 2 clicks to see the cover you just revealed, I'm not gonna bother. I hate marketing hoops.
Mon, 22:32: I'm so trying not to eat right now. Also trying to decide whether or not to work on a chapter for Mists or finish up the notes draft first.
Mon, 22:33: I need another 400 words, so I guess I'll work on the notes draft & work on a chapter tomorrow. Er, later tonight. Which is my tomorrow.