A Good Monday

May 01, 2012 00:40

And I kinda needed it. I'm feeling the lack of the bp pills-my head is pounding, there;s a slight puffy sensation in my ankles, and feeling...not as energetic, I guess? And I really need to stay away from the scale. From what I've seen online, I could gain up to 6-8 pounds and it could take as long as 3 weeks to get it back off. And it's really frustrating me to watch the numbers going up when I'm doing everything right.

So, I think doing my exercise at night before my "breakfast" is going to be a good way to make sure it gets in every day, and it helped me wake up a bit last night. It's like writing at night: just a habit I need to develop. Even though there were issues the rest of the day, I think getting through my workout helped set the tone for me. I managed to get something done on everything on my list for yesterday, which doesn't happen often, especially on a Monday. And I actually made word count for the day, which doesn't usually happen on Mondays. Heck, making word count any time during the week can be difficult, even with me now writing at night when I'm least interrupted.

Beta reader says she should get Charms back to me by the end of the week, so now editing on my own work today or for the rest of the week, which is okay. Turns out I didn't finish the previous draft for Mists, so I need to get to what I have int he notes draft, add in the remaining material to finish the notes draft, then move on to the chapters again. I suppose, considering how bad the last couple years have been, how hard it was for me to do much of anything over the last 6 months or so, I shouldn't be surprised, but...REALLY? I couldn't even remember that the narrative draft wasn't done? It's a good thing that I'm finally getting comfortable with my process. Makes it easier to pick things back up when they get dropped.

Anyway, I'll get that sorted, starting tonight (I hope). Here's the numbers....

Word Counts Yesterday
Total New (incl WB): 1498
Total Words: 1498
Total Pages Revised: 0

Still working in drafting mode on everything, so no lines to share. Actually looking forward to having stuff to share again. ;)

Hopefully I can get through everything today as well. The cleaning will actually be easier since there's not a whole heck of a lot in the living/dining areas that need cleaning except the dining table, a few small items for dusting, and the floor. The cleaning generally ends up being the biggest chunk of my day, but Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to be lighter days, making it easier to get the rest of my list done.

The list is pretty much the usual for the day....

» Stretch
» housework: living/dining area
» housework: office
» Mists narrative/rough draft
» 1250 words
» post to writersweighin
» Market Finders update
» WCP editing: HH
» WCP editing: TAJ
» reviews to LJ
» dinner
» dishes
» reading

Chef has three work days left (in a run of 17) before he finally gets a day off, but he's planning so much for Friday, it's not sounding like a day off. lol I'm looking forward to having his cooking again, myself. Friday will be a bit nuts, from the sound of it, so I'm really hoping the rest of the week is easy.

Off to get started on today's stuff. First, MF, then stretching, then food, and, finally, some writing. Have to fix the problem with my notes draft, or at least start fixing it. :P


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