My tweets

Apr 23, 2012 12:00

  • Sun, 13:21: I weighed in and lost 0.8 lbs. #LoseIt
  • Sun, 14:06: Hey, DIIers! Come join us in Writers Chat! Just use your forum password.
  • Sun, 14:08: Looking for a crit/writers workshop? DII has openings! All genres welcome! #amwriting #WriterTip #writechat #amediting
  • Sun, 14:39: I'm making broccoli and my curried potatoes tonight, but need to decide what to do with the pork chops. Hrm....
  • Sun, 14:44: I guess I'll do the Ponzu marinade. We like that one. If I get them marinating soon, it'll be nice and srong. :)
  • Sun, 14:44: Er, strong. Going to go get that started. Then a crit and some writing. :D
  • Sun, 15:09: Had to replace the Teriyaki sauce with Worcestershire and added a green onion, but chops marinating. Will be for 3 hours or so. :)
  • Sun, 15:28: I spent 5 minutes Core: Sitting. 24 calories burned. #LoseIt
  • Sun, 15:48: I spent 5 minutes Chair Dancing. 33 calories burned. #LoseIt
  • Sun, 16:46: Crit done, new member added to DII, now on to more work on Tirs. :D
  • Sun, 16:47: Just under 1200 words last night on the 0-draft (combining narrative & notes drafts) of Tirs. Let's see what I can add today. :) #amwriting
  • Sun, 16:48: I'm in such a good mood today, and there's nobody in DII chat to share it with. :( No one to encourage, brain storm, or just chat with. :(
  • Sun, 17:08: *snicker* RT @ JoshMalina: Yes, global warming poses a serious threat to the polar bear; but so does all that Coca-Cola they're drinking.
  • Sun, 17:15: Making dinner in about 45. Wonder how many sprints/words I can get in by then. #amwriting
  • Sun, 17:17: Need to start my agent search for Charms soon. Anyone out there like urban fantasy? ;)
  • Sun, 17:17: <~~~ Is in way too good of a mood today. :)
  • Sun, 17:18: RT @ BarbaraHambly: Houston Airport Newsstand - Cosmopolitan Magazine cover-splash: THE SEX ISSUE. Is there EVER an issue of Cosmo that I ...
  • Sun, 17:30: RT @ almightyjamie: My sister is missing, please RT this as much as possible. Thanks #taliecomehome
  • Sun, 17:53: Plugged my outline events in where I need them for the Narrative/Notes draft. Now to expand and make them into scenes. #amwriting
  • Sun, 18:14: Added 792 words so far. #amwriting But now must go make dinner. More writing after we eat! :D
  • Sun, 21:17: Just over 2400 words. Taking a break to talk with hubs & watch another ep of Game of Thrones. Need to catch up on The Borgias too. :P
  • Sun, 21:57: Or not. Could just push through for another hour or so. Problem is, I'm hitting overload. 3500 words for the day. That's lots. #amwriting
  • Sun, 22:05: Lord, the video at MyDish sucks. Poor quality and constantly pausing. I have an easier time at Hulu and CBS. :P
  • Sun, 22:08: Going to scoot into the living room and watch some TV. If more writing happens, great. If not, I met goal for the week, so I'm happy. :)
  • Mon, 01:09: No Cool Quote This Week
  • Mon, 02:09: SFFH | Dark Finds (Antho; Closes: May 30, 2012)
  • Mon, 02:46: I can't, for the life of me, figure out why that damn heater won't kick in.
  • Mon, 03:25: Working on Mists. 644 so far. Just over halfway on my goal of 1250. :) #amwriting
  • Mon, 11:12: Finally called the house owner about the stupid heater. It's 66 degrees in here right now. Too damn cold for this old lady. :P
  • Mon, 11:20: I spent 37 minutes Stretching. 115 calories burned. #LoseIt
  • Mon, 11:21: I spent 7 minutes doing Core Rhythms Core Only. 55 calories burned. #LoseIt


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