Didn't write a new chapter this past week. I'm at the point on Mists where I'm caught up to my notes/building draft combo and need to expand it before I can write the next few 0/rough draft chapters. And with Tirs, I've just started a Narrative/Notes draft combo. The rough draft barely has interesting lines; anything before that has nuthin'. lol
Anyway, A.C. has been subbed and now I'm just waiting...again. lol I didn't start freaking out until after I pressed send, which is probably a good thing. If I freaked out before I hit send, I'd probably never submit anything. :P
I also hit word count and got a good strong start to the next phase in my plotting process on Tirs. I'm combining the narrative and notes drafts to reduce the number of drafts I usually write. We'll see if it works out. I'm noticing it's coming out closer to the building draft in terms of how I'm writing, but that's fine. The goal is to get something done that I can use to help me develop the rough. I'm also trying to get faster in my process. The sad part is that it probably won't apply to any of the Alden novels just because of the depth and language level. I do hope to eventually take less time getting those books done, if they ever get picked up by someone, but I doubt I'll ever get one done a year. They just take too much work. I honestly don't know how I'll juggle three novels if A.C. finds a publisher. Guess I better get that Mists rough done as quickly as possible. If I don't, at least the 3 books will be different genres? lol
In other news, the Realtor/Loan Guy are now saying we need another $1500 in reserve. Not. Happening. Next time he calls, I'll just have to tell him that we have to work with what we got, or I need to talk to the owner about that rental agreement. I'd hate to do it for a whole lot of reasons (I love the house and would really rather own it, he's done a lot to get us this far and I'd hate to mess with his commission, and I hate to mess with anyone's income in a bad way), but seriously, if they'd told me there was even a remote chance of needing more than the $1500 dp, I wouldn't have started the process. Now, if the owner is willing to go without us paying anything for the next two months, I suppose we can put aside the money we would normally be using to pay the rent/mortgage, but we can't come up with the extra money and pay the rent/mortgage too. I need to get back into taking care of business and taking care of my family, and I can't do that if I'm still stuffing money into this damn house. The interesting thing is that Chef's father made the comment that they would do something like this, and if we tell them we can't, they'll try to raise the interest rate/lengthen the loan period. We'll see. All I know is if they expect me to pay to live here and save money at the same time, we're done with this and talking to the owner about a 1 year lease and trying again next year when we're not coming out of such a difficult time.
On a positive note: Chef has picked up a third job. He was hired for weekend days at one of the restaurants owned by the same company that owns the catering place he works at. He worked this past weekend and he really liked it and they seem to like him so far. :) He's got quite a run of work days without a break ahead, but his boss at the catering place agreed to give him Fridays off whenever he could. Now if the 1099 job has issues with his schedule, he has a place to make up some of that money while he looks for a weekday morning position. We're hoping it's not going to be a problem right away, in which case we get some much needed extra cash to take care of some business we need to get done and buried. There's a lot of bills with hook up and transfer fees coming due now too, so the extra job will help. And it's so nice to see him happy with what he's doing and not stressing over anything other than when he's going to get some down time. lol
Did pretty good on the goals for last week. A few things got missed and a few adjustments had to be made. First, I had to bring my calorie intake up a bit as my original cut for the week was apparently too much. Granted, the two days the diet got out of hand were on days when dealing with house stuff, but I struggled earlier in the week as well. So bumped up a few (about half what I originally cut). Secondly, I decided to cut my stretching stuff down to once per day. For one, I'm having trouble finding the time to work it in even that one time. Secondly, I'm much busier than I used to be, so the extra activity is making up for the session I cut. My focus this week will be to make sure I do the stretching when I first get up if I didn't do it before going to bed. Before all the house stuff, I'd actually gotten into something of a routine with my stretching. As things got harder to deal with, that fell apart, so I'm back to developing the habit again, especially since I have so much more going on during the day now.
Anyway, numbers! Lots of good numbers!
2011 Goal Progress
» finalize/submit Charms :: polish round 1 done
» polish Mists :: Notes Draft: 23,161; chapter 12 rough draft
» Crown of Tirs to v3 :: Notes/Narrative Draft: 3568
» Stretch 6x/week :: dropped this to one stretch session a day
» Core Rhytms 3x/week
» read 32 books :: 11
» move book reviews to LJ
» Alden.nu & domynoes.com fixes
» replace my glasses
» weight loss :: goal: 24 lbs in 2012; -160 overall; last week: -1.2; total: -6.8 this year, -37 overall
I'm really happy with that weight loss, especially since my two over the top days threatened to make me gain weight (no, really). I'm honestly not sure how the loss happened, to be honest. I increased my calorie budget by 25/day, but my activity didn't go up much. In fact, usually it goes down over the weekend because the house work is done, and Chef's working, so we don't go anywhere. Like I said, though, I'll take it.
In other health news, still waiting to see if my prescriptions will transfer to Walmart. If they don't by Friday, I need to go in and pick up boyo's and my medical records anyway, so I'll see what they can do on Kaiser's end to make that transfer happen. This is also the week I lose my bp meds, so it'll be interesting to see how that affects things. Probably not a good interesting. :P
Anyway, third week in a row that I've lost weight. Basically have lost weight every week since the move. New house is good. But we knew that. ;)
Progress This Week
Word Count:
for the week: 7727
for the month: 104,508
last month: 12,461
this year: 169,954
last year: 593,195
» Mists notes/rough draft
» Tirs narrative draft (weekend)
» 1250/day; 7500/week
» 1 DII crit
» submit A.C. to Angry Robot
» journals: whysper
» Alden.nu: Metawriting
» post to
White List update :: not enough there
Market Finders update
» WCP editing & style sheets
» AM stretch x6 :: 1
» 7 min CR Core x3
» PM stretch x6
» lose 1/2 - 1 pound
» reading
» laundry
» reviews to LJ
» call Kaiser abt meds
» phone IEP
» unpack/sort office
» closing Thursday? :: didn't happen
Reading List This Year:
Dead Beat (reread)
Geist (reread)
Snow (reread)
Drink Deep»
The Hunger Games»
The God Engines»
Catching Fire»
Incarnate I really enjoyed the opening of Incarnate, but I'm not so sure about the end. I didn't understand what certain characters were doing and why, and that marred things some for me. I do want to try to get the next book one of these days, but it may be awhile (which may actually help since I'll need to reread by the time I get book 2, and that might help me see what I missed this time around). Finances need to tighten up a bit (and I have another Nook book to buy at the top of my list right now; one thing about the Nook versus going into a store is that it seems much easier to try new authors without getting overwhelmed with everything that's on the shelves). The other problems for me right now are 1) I have over 100 books on my Nook to read, all either new authors or books I haven't read before; and 2) I've started the Game of Thrones omnibus on my Nook, and I suspect I'll be reading it for a VERY long time. lol (I started it to go with watching season 1 on MyDish, but some of the eps won't load or play. I'll be so glad when our 2 year contract is done. Seriously not liking Dish at all.)
There's a lot on the plate this week, plus I'm trying to get to the things I missed last week, and adding one or two other items as well. The house work will be a little easier initially since I need a few supplies before I can tackle the floor. I'll be picking those up Tuesday (looong grocery list for Kroger on Tuesday). But we all know I like to push myself. ;)
Goals This Week
» Mists notes/rough draft
» Tirs plot building (weekend)
» 1250/day; 7500/week
» 1 DII crit
» journals: whysper, journeys
» Alden.nu: Metawriting
» post to
Market Finders update
» WCP editing: HH
» WCP editing: TAJH
» Stretch x6 :: 3
» 7 min CR Core x3 :: 2
» lose 1/2 - 1 pound
» reading
» laundry
» reviews to LJ
Extras This Week
» DII Admin stuff
» DII newsletter
» Kroger trip
» clean/organize office
» pick up medical records
» make sure scripts get transferred
Yea, a lot on that list. Today is pretty much a typical Monday: busy, busy! And now I have my second author's manuscript back from her editing round one and need to add that in. I'll be using it as a reward for getting stuff done on the first book because TAJH is one of my favorite books. I'm looking forward to editing the second book in the series. :)
The good news for today is that there's nothing unusual on the list. It's all the same old, same old, with an easier time int he kitchen because of not having what I need for the floors. That should make the day easier to get through. Later in the week it'll gt more complicated because of Admin stuff and dealing with the medical things. And who knows when D will call about the house stuff. I'm not calling him. I'm tired of dealing with these people, to be honest. So I'll tell him what I need tot ell him when he calls me. :P
So today....
» Stretch
» 7 min CR Core
» housework: kitchen
» housework: office
» laundry
» Mists notes/rough draft
» 1250 words
Market Finders update
» WCP editing: HH
» WCP editing: TAJH
» dinner
» dishes
» reading
That's not really much more than usual. Now it's time to get to it with my MF update and working on Mists. Also need to start the oven cleaning cycle. It takes awhile and can't be opened at all while self-cleaning, but it'll be ready for me to wipe down tomorrow. :)
most recent
some kind of crazy :: journeys
Writing In Crisesthe chef's wife
Cranberry Sauce