Thu, 14:26: Off to something of a pathetic start today...& I don't care. Diet? What diet? Exercise? Naaahhh. Revising. Oh, yea, guess I better do that.
Thu, 14:43: RT @ adamheine: A warning from @ TobiasBuckell: the self-published "kings" aren't actually self-published. Also, they're kinda rude: http: ...
Thu, 17:20: Going to throw on all the TC eps I have in iTunes (like, all 4 of them, big whoop) & see if that helps get me going on Charms. Don't ask.
Thu, 17:21: The weirdest things can motivate me. Music is a really bad idea with my head int he condition it's in right now.
Thu, 17:30: Make that 5 eps: the last 3 from the season that Kevin G. should have won and 2 from this season, plus a couple little bits as well.
Thu, 17:32: But now I need to start dinner. If I don't, we won't eat tonight because I'm rapidly reaching the "I refuse to move" point in my SAD.
Thu, 18:40: Finally feeling a bit more comfortable with this chapter's revisions. Helps that the pain killers have kicked in. & I'm watching old TC. lol
Thu, 19:42: Tired but working on this revision anyway., so I guess that's something. Bed is looking really god though.
Thu, 23:15: Post this & leave it on your status for 1 hr. It's Special Ed week & Autism & ADHD Awareness month. This is in honor of those special kids.
Thu, 23:47: Feeling discouraged tonight. I know a big chunk of that is the SAD, but it can be so hard to fight anyway.
Thu, 23:52: DIIers are missing me talking to myself in chat. ;)
Fri, 01:14: Thank you to all our veterans for all their service!
Fri, 01:29: Using music to help get me going on this revision isn't helping much at all. Distracted and I have no idea why.
Fri, 01:45: At least I'm poking at this chapter a little bit? Might actually get it done sometime today. This round of it anyway. #amrevising#amwriting