Ср, 14:59: I soooooo didn't want to get up today. Now I ache all over. And it's overcast. Going to be one of those days. Will be good & stretch anyway.
Ср, 15:41: All alones in DII chat...again. Still? Always? I been gone too lonjg. All my usual suspects have vanished. :P
Чт, 00:48: Hope the auto download for my iTunes works. Impatient for my Top Chef ep. In the meantime, do have other things I can watch while I revise.
Чт, 01:06: Figures. Have the munchies. Will attempt to make it healthy with Multi-Grain Cheerios, milk, and strawberries. Working on chapter 17. Kinda.
Чт, 01:22: Trying to revise, honest, but distracted. Want my TC. :(
Чт, 01:38: The first round on these chapters is always so hard, for some reason. Well, technically, this is the 4th round. :P #amrevising#amwriting