LAst Heir rough draft
starting count: 44,846
ending count: 46,591
gain/loss: +1745
Actual (processed) word count: 2106
Total for the Day: 2106
And, done! Whew! Heeee! The Heroes trilogy is now drafted. The last 2 books need a look see for expansion before I can actually begin revisions, but they are done and the last book is being printed and put into its NPB notebook now. WOOOO!
I said I would compare the 3 novels in this trilogy to see if my theory was correct as to why the second 2 novels came up so much shorter than the first. My novel writing process goes through stages -- I supposed you could call each stage a draft or an expansion of the previous stage. Each expansion builds on the previous draft, and I often do each expansion as a kind type over of the previous draft (saving as a different file so I can go backward if I need to).
A.C. was my "learning novel" and helped me develop the process I use (I call it NPB -- Novel Plot Building -- and am writing a book for it). When I created NPB, I initially had 7 phases (8 if you count the foundations stuff, but that's the same for all books in the same series, so no comparison is needed). However, once I finished A.C., I started to play with the process a little, and I combined a few things. For the second 2 books, I ended up with 5 stages. I suspect one of the expansions I dropped, what I call the building draft, may be the reason why my counts on the rough drafts dropped so significantly.
So, here's the comparison:
Books ~>
Expansions (down)
plotting form
plotting outline
synopsis narrative
expanded narrative
notes draft
building draft
rough draft
All 3 came out around the 2k mark for the plotting form. The differences in the outline counts are easy to explain: I was so familiar with A.C. by this time that I only needed to write sketchy notes for the outline. For the other 2 books, the outline has more paragraphs. But, then, the synopsis narratives exploded for the last 2 books, both exceeding even the expanded narrative made for A.C.. The notes drafts also ended up being longer. Then I skip the building draft on both books and the rough drafts ended up considerably shorter.
This may not prove that I need to do both the notes and building drafts to get similar length manuscripts, but I do think it proves that I do need to do both drafts for a healthy sized rough draft.
Does this mean I'm going to go back and develop that draft and rewrite the rough drafts for the second 2 books? No. I have 2 beta readers looking at them. If they can't help me expand the rough drafts, then I might go back and redevelop at least the last expansion. Doing so would still be less than what I had to do to get A.C. done, but I'd rather not have to do them over if I can avoid it. If it comes that, yes; but if I can expand without doing that, I'll take it!
ETA: I have since determined it's probably best to go back to the Notes Draft and create the Building Draft, then rewrite the Rough Draft from there. ;) And, with all the changes in Assassin's, I may have to strip them back further.