I keep saying this, but I need to get back to living and stop this waiting thing that the house crap has me going through. At this point, it will either happen or it won't. I can't do anything more (except collect the September documents; & that shouldn't be hard since I know what they are now...a lot of practice, lol) except wait and see, In the meantime, I've let it interfere with way too much of my life. Somehow I have to break that cycle, even if it means I'll be in the midst of a massive packing and cleaning crazy thing in a few weeks (or, conversely, too depressed to even get out of bed).
To get started, one of the first things I need to do is post my weekly goals again. Last week it wasn't so bad because I was completely focused on A.C., but the lack of goals definitely makes me less likely to do anything.
Course, a lot of these might get ignored for the second section of A.C. ;)
2009 Goal Progress
» Finish/Sub A.C. :: prologue-ch10 v6 done
» 375,000 words :: 319,910 (85.31%; 7390 ahead)
» Phoenix to v4/5 :: building draft is almost 73k
» B.C. rough draft :: notes draft coming along
» exercise 5+ days/week :: let this go because of all the crazy running around; time to go back
» weight loss :: goal: 160; last week: +2; total: -16 1/2
» reduce salt intake
» splitting utility payments :: changing this goal to getting caught up/on track
» read 1 book a month :: 14 (w/slush & crits)
» less PS2/3
Progress This Past Week
Word Count:
for the week: 83,244
for the month: 41,194
last month: 52,073
this year: 0319,910
last year: 287,709
Reading List This Year:
Penny Wishes»
The Queen's Bastard»
The Tree Shepherd's Daughter» T:VHT (slush acceptance)
With The Light vol.3»
Small Favor» Book 1 in the
Cygnet Omnibus (The Sorceress and the Cygnet)
» Book 2 in the
Cygnet Omnibus (The Cygnet and the Firebird)
» Book 1 in the
The Riddle-Master Omnibus (The Riddle-Master of Hed)
» Book 2 in the
The Riddle-Master of Hed Omnibus (Heir of Sea and Fire)
» Book 3 in the
The Riddle-Master of Hed Omnibus (Harpist in the Wind)
The Dark Ferryman»
Dark Legacy»
Ill Wind So, didn't list goals because I've not really had any for the past few weeks. As for the overall stuff, I should hit the w/c goal for the year this week. It's all revisions words, but I'll take it. I'll just have to push for more next year. ;)
Course, may not be at this point with another novel next year either, so we'll see.
I know I've gained weight again, but I'm just pleased it's not nearly as bad as it could have been. And, until the stress really kicked in, I was actually maintaining. Once things get stable again, I can get those healthier habits in place and then maybe have a better chance of making it through the stress.
As for the financial stuff, one way or another, we need to get back on track and clean up the mess the house stuff has created before we can do anything else. So that goal definitely has to be readjusted, and there's a good chance we won't make it this year.
At least the reading is going really well. ;)
Goals This Week
» A.C. chs 11-20, v6, pass 1
» 250/day; 1500/week
» 250/day; 1500/week in world building
» 1 DII crit
» B.C. plot building
» journals: whysper, journeys, booklog
» daily reading: With The Light vol.4
» exercise: 5 days Core Rhythms + stretch
» lose 2 pounds
Extras This Week
» taking youngest to/from school
» September paperwork to lender
Not a huge list, but feeling like I need to ease back in. The only worries right now, other than the house money getting in, is making a major bill payment before its shut off. We had a water leak cost us nearly $500, and the water company out here isn't good with payment plans: they still want it all in the same month. Tomorrow the husband gets paid. Hopefully the water will still be on Wednesday and I can pay it and the car registration then.
That's the plan anyway. As anyone who's watched me long enough may have noticed, my plans tend to not quite work out the way I hope. :P
Today, the 250, 250 in w.b., and the exercise failed though. Sinus infection + storm headache makes for one sick domy, and I spent the whole morning in bed. I'm hoping to tackle some A.C. tonight. Headache seems to be fading just a little. If I can get some focus despite what pain remains, I think I can start the next section as planned.
Been awhile since I've done this...did ya miss me? ;)
most recent
breaking the silence :: journeys
Crazy Busy :: booklog
Small Favor