Oct 04, 2009 23:55
- 08:33 I'm allergic to mornings, but here I is. Tried to go back to sleep. Too much brain spinning. :P #
- 08:35 It's irritating how quickly the husband can just pass out without even trying. :P #
- 12:03 Totally passing out was not part of the plan but I guess the few extra hours of sleep have been achieved/ o,O #
- 12:05 Planned: A.C. 7, maybe A.C. 8 #
- 13:28 It's totally an ADHD day-NO focus. I had hoped to get 2 chapters down and a crit. At this rate, I'll be lucky if I get the chapters done. #
- 13:34 @ lights_aurora I'm not on any meds-can't afford them. We have 3 people who take a total of 15 meds; just the 10 I buy cost $150/3 months. #
- 13:35 @ lights_aurora When I am on my meds though, they work pretty well. I was taking Adderall. #
- 13:43 @ lights_aurora Never tried Vyvanse. Tried Wellbutrin and never again. Made me shake. :P #
- 13:46 Um, wow. Fastest using crits evah. Neither suggested making cuts, both loved the chapter as is, & I caught most the corrections suggested. #
- 13:48 Lunch on its way & on to chapter 8. Go me! ;) #
- 15:13 And chapter 8 done as well. Going to try to focus long enough to do a crit then maybe go back to A.C. Might be done tonight. :) #
- 15:20 How I improve: Crits help a lot, esp when 2+ critters agree. Revising. I also read a lot of writing articles & my fave authors. #writechat #
- 15:24 I think we need input from 2 types: those who are writers & know the craft & those who are "just" readers (= the audience) . #writehcat #
- 15:26 @ Mer_Blackwood Agree. The advice you use must work with your vision of the piece. #writechat #
- 15:29 My rule: 1 person says it, may not be something I need to worry about; 2 people, I should consider it; 3 people, it's important. #writechat #
- 15:31 @ Saffy Sounds like you're in the wrong writing groups. Try DII: bit.ly/1a8tKd #writechat #
- 15:34 The writing workshop I'm a part of is VERY helpful Writers at all levels have something to offer. & both of us grow when we crit. #writechat #
- 15:38 Fave books on writing are Writing the Breakout Novel, The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, & Self-Editing for Fiction Writers. #writechat #
- 15:39 There are others, but those 3 are the big ones that really helped direct me as I was trying to figure out how I write. #writechat #
- 15:41 @ LexxClarke Readers know what they like. They might not be able to use writer terms, but they can explain what they don't like. #writechat #
- 15:42 @ Saffy I've done that and I have to say that online has worked out much better for me. #writechat #
- 15:45 At DII, we believe everyone, from unpublished (& not seeking publication) to published pros, has something to offer. #writechat #
- 15:48 I'm always surprised when someone decides not to use a certain kind of input or insists only a certain kind of input is valuable. #writechat #
- 15:49 RT @llunalila: RT @debbieohi: @kdueykduey Agreed. I find I learn as much from critiquing as I do from being critiqued. #writechat YES! #
- 15:52 @ MeiLinMiranda When it works. lol No hard & fast way to tell on this one. It's a judgment call, as is most everything in writing. #writechat #
- 15:55 RT @ClaireCaterer: Finding time to write: Best advice I've heard is that we MAKE the time, not FIND the time. #writechat #
- 16:02 Real life crit groups haven't worked out well for me, for some reason. It's easier to find like minded spirits in online groups. #writechat #
- 16:05 @ LucidGlow I don't know about that. Publishing needs change, but I want a traditional publisher. I don't think they're evil. #writechat #
- 16:06 @ Saffy I can see that. I've become kind of isolated too as I live in an area I'm not that familiar with. DII keeps me connected. #writechat #
- 16:09 @ Mer_Blackwood That's how DII works: everyon crits what they feel most able to give good input on. #writechat #
- 16:09 @ TerriPray_UTM Can be, but to say traditional publishers are evil and should be avoided takes an option out of the equation. #writechat #
- 16:10 I don't understand why any writer would want to limit what s/he can get input from or where s/he can be published. #writechat #
- 16:11 @ Mer_Blackwood I always try out of my genre anyway: 1. good writing is good writing regardless of genre, & 2. to stretch myself. #writechat #
- 16:23 I find playing in genres other than the ones I am most comfortable/familiar with also helps me improve as a writer. #writechat #
- 16:31 I'm off. Need to try to do a crit & have 2 chs left to revise in my first section of my novel. #writechat Might pop on & reply to followers. #
- 17:07 @ Mer_Blackwood domynoe.livejournal.com/ & alden.vox.com/ Also have a personal journal, but not writing related. #writechat #
- 17:10 @ LucidGlow I don't see wanting a traditional publisher as lack of confidence & don't agree w/your opinion they ruin others' work. #writechat #
- 17:18 @ LucidGlow You're welcome to your pinion; I have mine and it doesn't agree with yours. Agree to disagree & leave it at that. #writechat #
- 17:21 I just have to say: calling all trad publishers evil and claiming they ruin authors' work sounds like sour grapes to me. & I know a lot of.. #
- 17:22 ...authors with trad publishers who write very good work & are VERY happy. Publishing needs to catch up with the internet but it's not evil. #
- 17:29 Was going to crit, but I think I'll work through on A.C. That's where my motivation is right now. I'm excited to be getting ready to beta. #
- 18:33 Chapter 9 done. If I can get through chapter 10 and then type up all the changes, I just might end up with a 90k word count this week. o.O #
- 18:40 @ vg_ford All revision words, but I'll take it. ;) #
- 18:41 @ vg_ford Oh, and the first of 4 sections of A.C. will be ready for betas. Monday I can start on the next set of 10 chapters. I'm excited! :D #
- 18:59 Wow. The last few chapters have been wonderfully easy based on crits. Tells me I'm close to done on this. Will type in changes after dinner. #
- 19:04 I was going to say I should go through the chapters again, but I'm not going to 2nd guess myself or the process at this point. Enjoying it. #
- 19:10 . @ lights_aurora I always splat my early drafts. I can make them pretty in revisions; early drafts are for getting the story out. #amwriting #
- 21:14 I just might get another 1k from this section. That would have me 1k short of my goal for cuts. #
- 21:45 & done. Total cut: about 1700. Total w/c for the week: 83,244 (none of them new words). Tomorrow I start the next 10 chapters. Now: dishes. #
- 22:35 Lunch for hubs done; dishes in process. Tom he starts culinary school. He's so excited! It'll be a long day for us both w/him gone all day. #
- 23:48 Dishes done. Working on goals & waiting for the next show of The Next Iron Chef. Really into to food comps: T.C.. I.C.A., Chopped, T.N.I.C. #
- 23:50 The hub, who wants to be a chef, isn't into the chef reality shows so much. I've told him chef shows are for him like reading is for me. lol #
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