Assassin's Choice 35.4 (1)
starting count: 2289
ending count: 1914
gain/loss: -375
Actual (processed) word count: 2289
Total New Words (Day/Week): 1195 / 5596
Total for the Day: 3484
Total for the Week: 14,541
starting line:
Roqué followed a page to his place at the lord's table and searched for Ashyra and Jerusha.
ending line:
Turning away from the door, she opened her eyes and saw two glowing red coals at eye level.
Jerusha slipped out into the western-most garden patio, shivering in the cold but preferring it to the crowded, stuffy ballroom. Even the most gentle strains of music hurt now, her body thrumming in its own song of pain with every chord. She needed to go home, to make peace with the past, to accept what was required of her. She leaned on a railing and stared at the stars. How she wished her father was staring at those same stars tonight.
So, a couple of things. For one, the cuts I made were a lot less than expected. If I can bump the count back up around 600, it should be fine without needing to combine it with the next chapter. My only concern now is how the last two chapters are going to pan out and if having them combine would make the ending seem rushed, but I'll worry about it when I get there and if that happens. Second, with stage one of the v4 pass done, I'm holding off on the actual rewriting and revision work until next week. I need the space from it so I can work it fresh. As much as the last chapters are making me a bit crazy, I'm pretty content with where it's going.
Which brings me to something else I realized tonight. As I was going through this chapter, I realized that my writing HAS gotten better, much better than I thought. There's a big difference in the words I choose now-they're...richer now, if that makes sense. I still need to work on creating unique imagery with my words, but the words I use are no longer the easiest choice. The simplest example is 'Maria sat down across from him.' That's how I used to write. Now I would try to make that more...visual: 'Maria slouched in the red velvet chair and glared at him over his desk.' Or something. Maybe that seems overdone to some folks. To me it's a wonderful step forward in the way I use words and express my stories. It's an accomplishment and I'm celebrating it.
Anyway, for tonight I still have my 1k plus dishes. I'm thinking next week, it's time to bump the goals back up a little, maybe even take the word count goal to 1250/day, but we'll see on that. This has been a very good week. Here's hoping the next crazy slump is a long time away. lol
In the meantime, tonight I watch the CSI Miami marathon and write! ;)
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