This morning was miserable, so I went back to bed, which was fine since I went to sleep about 3:30 in the morning and the fighting started at 9:30.
Crazy kids.
Regardless, I'm feeling a little...fuzzy today. Still feel groggy, which tends to happen when I get woken up more than once, especially if I'm not ready to get up at all.
Anyway, actually did my 1k for he day last night, but I'm going to put it on today's list anyway. We've got a few things going on, some of which actually require leaving the house. ;)
Today's To Do:
» 1000 words
» journals: journeys
White List update
» notes for A.C. 35.4
» get
tsykika glasses
» call realtor/lender
» dishes :: round 1 down. yes, must wash another load
The whole realtor thing kinda freaks me a bit, but we really could save some money if we could get into a house (we currently spend $1600-1700 out of our $2300 income on rent and utilities; any savings on those would definitely help), and we qualify for quite a bit as low income, first time buyers with a disabled family member. Ans I'm sure getting through the process isn't nearly as scary as it seems from here.
Anyway, probably should get dressed so I can actually go in public when baby is done with her nap. And I guess dishes are waiting. The teenager is ignoring them. >.<
Not much up to writing right now anyway. The trip out of the house might help with that.
most recent
upside down :: journeys
Almost There :: booklog
With the Light...Vol. 3: Raising an Autistic Child