May 17, 2009 23:45
- 09:34 Have to go take daughter#2 to work before I can do anything, which is prob a good thing. Been up since 6:30, still sick, brain not working. #
- 12:42 Still feeling icky, but going to try to write. Need 1k. Hopefully I can do that before I pass out again. #
- 13:02 @ vg_ford Spare time? What's that? The only time I get close is when I'm sick. :P #
- 15:04 Just over 1300 words plus LJ entry about the process. *thud* #
- 20:00 The sniffles have begun. And the brain is shutting down. And...this sucks. At least the sore throat isn't as sore? #
- 21:51 Am done for tonight. #
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