Got slowed up a bit when I had to check my narrative against my outline (and I mean crossing things off a physical print out of the outline), but otherwise did pretty good on getting the words down fairly quickly.
And, after a couple of days of just saying 'yea, I have words', I actually have some metrics for you. ;)
Blood Charms narrative
starting count: 2902
ending count: 3933
gain/loss: +1031
Actual (processed) word count: 1031
Total New Words (Day/Week): 1031 / 5878
Total for the Day: 1031
Total for the Week: 5878
One of the things I'm finding to be the oddest part of working on this is the autistic character. Not every child with autism is the same or has the same limitations, stimming activities, and so on. Right now I'm basing the character on my son, though I'll probably make some adjustments when I actually get to profiling and writing. But my son is my most direct experience with an autistic child. My other experiences are indirect and include LJ comms and the like, which gives me ideas for the adjustments I can eventually make to the character. For now though, it is very weird writing up a character that is so closely based on your own child.
It would be interesting to know if others have done this and how they felt about it...and whether or not that character changed in the final copy of the story.
Okay, now take a brief nap before I do the crit I promised, then to move on to finishing off my chapter. I just might post it today, but we'll see.
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New Focus: Writing :: booklog
The Queen's Bastard