Crazy Weather, Crazy Day

Feb 18, 2009 20:02

It was one of those days. Really one of those days. I woke up on time and got one kid off to school. The boyo remained home sick. After getting girlo out the door, I couldn't get to sleep again right away for some reason. I did finally fall asleep, but it was later than usual, so when my second daughter called frantic for a ride to work, I was soooooo not with it.

Anyway, went out in the crappy weather to help take care of that and came home to THREE sick people and with my own throat starting to act up again, which is no surprise. The crud has gone through the house so must hit me a second time. This is a law, I think. I considered ordering food, but the man told me to go get everyone soup. For some reason, he wants us all get well. *g* ;)

Went and bought soup, but I couldn't do it on credit, so I spent some time on the phone when I got back clearing that up. Seems my attempt to buy $2500 of stuff at Best Buy sent up a red flag and they took away the credit aspect of the card. Took care of that and crawled into bed with my soup and crackers and dragyncat (to read slush).

Then the man called, apologized because he knew I wasn't feeling good (by now, the storm headache was creeping in as well as everything else), and asked me to go get his check because he wouldn't be back in the area in time to do so. So went to do that and stopped by another store for other stuff we needed.

Since then, been in bed, dealing with thunder, lightning, rain, tornado warnings, headache, upset tummy, screaming baby, and so on.

It's no wonder that I'm at a loss of what to do now that the slush is looked at. :P


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