Later Day

Jan 03, 2009 11:27

Had a bit of a rough night so slept in today. Never did make it with chapter 30 -- the Stargate Atlantis episode was too entertaining...and then it was 2 A.M. and time to go to bed. o.O

On today's to do list:

» 1 Crit
» 1k (or more)
» more A.C. ch.30
» submit "Cameo"

The 1k will probably be on world building -- finishing up some profiles, printing things out, adding the bits I need to the Phoenix building draft. I think I can tease 1k out of what I need for where I'm at in the draft. I was going to reserve world building for tomorrow, but I don't think I'm in the frame of mind to work on Phoenix itself. Just kinda...out of it.

I'm sure other things will come along as well today, thought whysper is done and there's no dishes to worry about. I better get started by setting the boyo up with entertainment for the day, take a few Tylenol, and grab chapter 30 from by the bed.

Need to do a feel good thing for myself today too, but I'm just too tired at the moment to really think of anything. Maybe I'll figure it out later when I'm more awake.


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