Wed, 12:19: Wonderful. I told kiddo's teacher to let me know of any behavior probs from the change in meds. All she's said is he's been "more difficult"
Wed, 12:19: which really doesn't convey much of anything. Turns out he's been a lot more than "more difficult." Had I known this on Friday, I would have
Wed, 12:20: asked the new doctor to give him the full prescription dose on the med we reduced instead of he reduced amount. & now I may have to find a
Wed, 12:20: way to get him home because he's so out of control today, they don't know if they can get him on a bus. AUG!
Wed, 12:48: RT @ RHelmsBooks: Participating in NaNoWriMo? Rock those fingers off! But pls don't submit immediately after finishing, lol. Take time to ...
Wed, 12:49: I am soooooo annoyed right now, and this headache is not helping.
Wed, 12:53: RT @ ilona_andrews: So, if you have something free @ smashwords, might want to check Amazon and see if PD Publishers is charging $5.99 for it.
Wed, 13:01: And now my internet is down. Wonderful.
Wed, 13:55: Thank god. They got him on the bus. Now he just has to behave long enough to get home. I think I bribed him with tacos. :P
Thu, 01:02: RT @ ramez: Climate change means Sandy is a taste of things to come. [by yours truly on the science of climate and hurricanes] http://t.c ...
Thu, 01:06: Things are finally looking up for us: even the tough days are no longer so tough. Thank God. #30DaysofThanks
Thu, 03:04: Set up a Dreamwidth account just in case LJ indeed goes stupid. Have no idea what I'll do about MF or any of the other comms I run.
Thu, 03:06: Debating on whether or not to try to import my LJ entries, if it's possible. Just watching LJ right now, but am ready to go if I need to.