Tue, 13:57: RT @ iJesseWilliams: Battleground States, know your rights. Romney campaign workers told to intentionally lie to voters about their right ...
Tue, 14:30: RT @ bradfordlit: Word RT @ sarahlapolla: It's sad that "not politicizing a tragedy" is now something I'm impressed w/, & not just und ...
Tue, 15:16: I soooooo DO NOT like LJ's new friends page look. I hope we're not going to be forced to accept it. It's totally ew.
Tue, 15:37: RT @ AntDeRosa: RT @ nowthisnews: Why are these New Yorkers clustered outside a closed Starbucks? Two words: working wifi. #sandy http://t ...
Tue, 16:09: RT @ TheMarco: Bush’s FEMA Director During Katrina Criticizes Obama For Responding To Sandy Too Quickly http://t.co/3czOYtav You'd think ...
Tue, 16:47: Chef called in to work a late shift at El Taco. This is a good sign! He did well last night! :)
Tue, 17:45: I'm not the only one hating the new friends page at LJ. If they go through with it, I'll be looking into moving to a new journal sight.
Tue, 17:46: Er, site. Tired and sore and a storm headache is finally kicking in. Not sure what set this off since Sandy has been around a few days. :P
Tue, 17:48: Publishing is closed for another day or two.
Tue, 18:07: Guess I should get started on supper. At least it shouldn't be too difficult.
Tue, 19:05: RT @ scalzi: BREAKING NEWS: Iron Man 4 just announced; will chronicle Tony Stark's final transformation into Darth Vader.
Wed, 00:31: Ug. May be getting sick. Guess it was a bad idea to walk in the cold and the wind 2 days in a row, esp since my immune system ain't so good.
Wed, 00:54: Heading to bed early. Will probably end up reading half the night, but am hoping to actually end up crashing early. Not feeling well.