the fucking pain (ganesa forgive me!)

May 21, 2004 12:41

the recent event with some fucking kid that i want to kill. His name is jake and i feel like beating him with a baseball bat in order to knock th e sense o rlack of into his head. He belives in having an emotional relationship over a physical (sex) relationship, but every time he talks about drama he continues perpetuating the feeling that he only wants some thin hot asshole of a jock as his boyfriend and that drives me insane. I know that i shouldn't but he is a ninht grader and needs to be diverted from this insanity and shown the. I shouldn't care but at one time i liked him and now i want to rip out his heart and dance on his grave (cliche). This fucking world. I wan tit to end but i can't because i'm weak and i feel like i have a purpose (not). The world is a whore that gives the assholes more in this world and leaves the rest for the two-bit crack whore assistants. Fucking hell! But the whole fucking gay world is like this the entire scene can be summed up in being between the ages of 18 and 23. So that means that they are stupid, think they are god's gift to the world and are so fucking hot that they would melt my hollow lead heart. The world needs to change, but i would settle for Mass. instead and i feel like starting a social revolution that would wipe out the fucks of this world. I think i will, destroy the evil or the good and rebuild. Next year is my last year (take that however you want) and i need to do something to destroy this world (cultural and social so shut up FBI)! Viva la Revolucion! (cliche again) (Bang!)
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