title: As if it Was All One Word
rating: PG.
fandom/pairing: Carrie. Estelle angst, with some Estelle/Carrie h/c creys.
spoilers: The novel.
warnings: Decidedly n/a.
summary: And she was so pretty.
words: 250.
disclaimer: I do not own Stephen King's Carrie.
a/n: So I finished reading Misery last week, and then decided to read Carrie.
I hate everything. :I
She used to be so pretty, Estelle recalls, and it’s exactly what she tells the man doing the interview. “She used to be so pretty,” she remarks, and the words sound distant, just as the voice of the man does.
Estelle tells the story as she remembers it best - tells about Margaret White; tells about her own mother, and her own mother’s stubbornness; tells about little Carietta White, who was so little and so innocent and so sad and so damn pretty - and the man doesn’t seem to judge her for the ridiculousness that she ends up spouting.
But it always comes back to Carrie - of course it does; Carrie White is a name that will live in infamy, as the telekinetic murderer of so many people in one little town - and Estelle always ends up repeating it, again and again.
She used to be so pretty, and the recent pictures don’t show her as anything like that, but Estelle had always half-expected that that would happen to that little blond girl with the horrific mother.
Estelle glances down at the photo the man brought with him - Carrie’s senior photo - and she sees a faint resemblance of the miserable young lady to that curious little scrap of a girl. But Carrie isn’t pretty (not so pretty anymore, at least), and Estelle sees that same expression in her eyes.
She wonders if Carrie had been unhappy throughout all of her life, and wants to ask.
She puffs on her cigarette instead.