Title: And Why, All the Possibilities
Rating: PG.
Fandom/Pairing: Glee. Tina / Santana.
Spoilers: None?
Warnings: n/a.
Summary: Tina overthinks it, in the bad way.
Words: 250.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, or Paramore's...whatever song it was that the title is from.
a/n: For the prompt "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" for my Tina claim at femslash100. i love this story and treated it horrendously. you'll see as i get to posting the rest of these that that's a pattern. believe me, i'm just as upset as you.
Tina tells Santana that she’s lying. It’s uncharacteristically bold of her - to tell someone else how they feel, especially someone like Santana - but she doesn’t notice. She’s too embarrassed that she almost wanted to believe that Santana could have had a crush (implying legitimate feelings) on her.
Even with that - and it’s not so much a rejection, but it was intended to be taken as one - Santana doesn’t let up. Tina’s not sure that she likes that, at first, but when she decides that she does, she doesn’t let it show.
It lasts for a surprisingly long time, the pursuit, and eventually, the dynamic changes. There isn’t any more leering, or purring of propositions, or locker-leaning. Santana starts staring at Tina sincerely, and the location she references in her suggestions goes from the janitor’s closet to BreadstiX. After a while, she even stops treating it like something tawdry.
It gets to be kind of nice, and finally, on an otherwise unremarkable Tuesday morning, Tina asks Santana if she’d like to see a movie with her.
And when Santana’s expression contorts to one of confused pity, and she - Santana Lopez - fumbles for words that one would think were known by rote on her lips, Tina is somehow surprised.
Tina reasons to herself during Glee rehearsals, as she deliberately looks Not-At-Santana, that it was silly to think she was the only one who’d take advantage of her hesitation. Of course, Santana would reconsider Tina’s worthiness, the same way that Tina overanalyzed Santana’s.