Title: Worth the Ache (2/2)
domfangirlPairing/Characters: Michael/Sara, with an appearance by Lincoln, Jane and their kids
Genre: Post-escape (from Sona), angst, drama, fluff, humor
Rating: NC-17 (Language, outright sex)
Summary: Michael and Sara haven't seen each other in three years, because he left her in Panama after he got out of Sona. Now
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he was with her, not just inside her searching for something he’d lost, not trying to find something in her that could never appease him; no, this was making love, this was what she never knew she was missing because the only way she’d ever had him was broken, bereft, empty. Now he was whole, and completely with her in the moment. She had a brief vision of the future flash before her eyes as they reconnected and for just a split second she saw that if this wasn’t indicative of the rest of her life, nothing else could ever make it right.
I love this part. I don't know what else to in order to convey just how wonderful this part is.
Sara, I’ll take you however I can get you, but stripped down and bare is how I want you.
Linc greeting Sara and her reaction? Pricless.
There was a quiet happiness in their house, a feeling Sara remembered from being with Jane and Lincoln in Panama.
I know this is about M/S but a fic where L/J are the established relationship just makes me deliriously happy.
I’m screwed up, you’re screwed up, but we love each other and we stick together.
That sums it up perfectly. I hope the writers get this.
You don't write M/S often but it's a testament to your talent that when you do, you knock it out of the park. Any pairing you write always leaves me so very impressed.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, and found so many aspects true to the characters!
Please don't me doing something with that stop you. The world needs more L/J fics. lol.
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