Jun 24, 2009 23:00
I don't know. How many times do I need to ask the universe for boring? I like boring. I miss boring. Ok, sure, this likely sounds boring and whiney to anyone who reads it. But damn. I need me some boring.
Today? The same van problem that bit us on vacation resurfaced. Because it was never really fixed. Because it was what I said was wrong from the very first minute but was dismissed, likely because I have a uterus. So batteries and fuses were replaced, and things seemed fine. But it was a temporary trick to fool us into believing things were ok. And today? Dead again. Same problem. And what did it finally turn out to be? Exactly what I said it was 5 days ago ... the alternator. So now, another $200 later, it's replaced and a-ok again.
And as I parked my dying vehicle in the driveway today and came inside to call Tim to let him know what happened? Oh yeah. A storm from hell broke loose and knocked out our power. Five hours without power on a day that broke the historical record for hottest temperature ever recorded for this date: 100 degrees. Dude. That's freaking hot. I could have packed up the kids and gone to the library or something. But oh, wait! My van was dead! Oh yeah! How quickly we forget! Crap!
Anyway, I need to stop whining. That's over. My van is better. I'm *beyond* broke. But the van is better. The power is back on, obviously. And LSU just won the national championship in baseball. At least I had a battery-powered radio so I could listen to the game. And my lawn is watered - AGAIN! LOL Double watering - busted pipes and a storm from hell. (Truly - it looked like a freaking hurricane was blowing in.) And I get to sleep in air conditioning. Can I be done now? Please? Can we move on to plain and boring again? Just for a little while at least.