Jun 22, 2006 18:17
Camp was amazing - we could not have asked for better weather or more fun. No one got hurt, everyone had fun, and I think I actually gained weight, despite tromping all through the wilderness of lovely Citronelle, Alabama. I was one of 4 college-aged counselors for a cabin of 4 middle and high-school aged girls, all of whom have had cancer and are now in remission. We spent the week going swimming in the lake, riding horses, doing arts and crafts, and all kinds of other fun stuff. Some of the highlights of the programming for the week were a luau with a whole roast pig(!), a Mardi Gras parade and ball, and a Texas-style BBQ. Our theme was “Campin’ USA,” so each day was themed for a different state: Alabama (of course), Louisiana, New York, California, Texas, Hawaii, and then home to Sweet Home Alabama. There were a total of 48 campers this year, all between the ages of 7 and 17. For many of them, this week away from doctors’ visits and blood counts is the highlight of their year, and for many, this is a home away from home, where they have been coming for many years since they were diagnosed. The entire week is free of charge to campers, funded and planned by one arm of the Medical Society of Mobile County (a.k.a. Mobile doctors and their wives).
And so after camp, I recuperated for a few days, then started my internship at the office of the Medical Society where the office of Camp Rap-A-Hope also is. I work in quite the posh office with four other women. There is a refrigerator well-stocked with Diet Coke and cabinets overflowing with popcorn and other snacks. The lavish bathroom has a huge, gorgeous shower hidden behind an upholstered shower curtain that goes all the way to the ceiling (although I haven’t quite figured out why they need a shower). The board room puts CoMo to shame. There is a HUGE mahogany table under a beautiful chandelier and an army of high-back leather chairs. I usually do most of my work in the large work room where we have shelves to store T-shirts, coozies, hats, anoraks, blankets, and other stuff we sell in the camp store. The room is pretty open, so I spread out my project and plop down on the floor to stuff envelopes with t-shirts and letters to send to people to thank them for helping with camp this year; yesterday I put together a scrap-book of newspaper clippings about camp from the past few years; today I framed several copies of a picture Jacob (the blind boy) drew of a horse (that looks so much like a horse it’s scary). I run to the post office for them, go pick up or drop off things, etc, etc.
Sometimes for lunch, we order in, or today we cooked a huge supreme frozen pizza from Sam’s (I highly recommend it……and I have a Sam’s card now! Shopping in bulk anyone?) We all set the board-room table, say the blessing, and shoot the breeze. It’s so cute. I’m getting a grip on the characters at the office. There’s Sheree, the one who told me they drink (and she wasn’t kidding….I found the stash!) She’s really blonde, very perky, runs 4 miles a day, wears ridiculously expensive clothes and absurd jewelry, and is a hoot. There’s Melissa, the director of camp, who I work for, who is awesome! She’s 41, so down-to-earth and good at what she does, but so fun to be around. She’s so cute with her lawyer husband, Charlie, who comes to visit a lot. I hope I’m like them when I’m married. Then there’s Nell, a sweet, funny, middle-aged woman who always asks me to come help me with her computer, and who apparently makes a mean pound cake. And Linda works the front desk. She’s probably late 60s, but she knows how to use a computer better than I do. She’s kind of grouchy, though.
Other than that, I’ve been practicing my guitar (sometimes), and going to my lessons, working out, shopping for office clothes, and that’s about it. I haven’t seen anyone my age in quite some time. I miss college-humor. But my older brother is coming home this weekend, and I’m so excited. Chris is also turning 21 wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I asked him what his plans were for the big day and he said, “Well, my L’Arche house is taking me to the Golden Corral.” I thought that was amazing! He wanted to know what I wanted him to buy me. Any recommendations?