in the flesh.

Dec 09, 2008 19:37

Pepero nude, my latest source of sugar. At the rate I'm going, it'd probably be an economically-friendly choice for me to buy them in the cartons. It's really cool how they could stuff up the pepero sticks with ludicrous amounts of milk chocolate. I'm just so used to Pocky's chocolate dipped sticks that these ones were regarded with much curiosity.
While I was out at the post office today to drop off the massive load of parcels (easily 3kg in total ._.), the lady behind the counter started snickering to herself, taking conspicuous looks at my packages. I thought she was laughing at a nondiscript joke with her colleague who happened to be sitting adjacently but I hadn't noticed them even talking, what more giggling over some secret joke. Awhile later, as I was waiting for the parcels to get weighed, she turned towards me and smiled, asking where I had purchased the snowflakes. She had that omg kawaiii!! look on her face, as she continued fingering my parcels. Upon telling her that I had previously bought the stamp cutter for the snowflakes for a craft project, and that the snowflake patterns were made and stuck on manually, her smile got bigger and she remarked that she'd love to receive parcels like these. I guess for someone in this profession, seeing millions of brown envelopes and boxes must have exerted some sort of a drab monotony, seeing a change every once in a while must have been a welcomed one.

I was happy that the parcels brought a smile to a random stranger, I'd be all the more exhilarated if the same smile is duplicated with my friends who are about to receive them. ♥

Have been enjoying Family Outing these past few days. Have also gotten into the WGM jig again, probably because I found myself rooting for the Marco and Son Dambi pairing. They're such a compatible couple and I happen to think that Marco's kinda cute :x

variety show: family outing, variety show: wgm, people, parcel, food, random

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