First, a lovely fic by
Foundations Harry Potter: Rowena Ravenclaw/Helga Hufflepuff. How do they handle having a relationship in such a restrictive time, and what happens when Godric and Salazar find out?
st_aurafina has really got the most out of this prompt. Even if you don't like founders-fic (and I don't, much, with one or two notable exceptions - two or three now!), you'll enjoy this. Not only are the Founders all rounded and interesting characters, the building of Hogwarts is a delight in itself. Highly recommended. Godric's reaction is probably my favourite bit, but it's just one good moment among many. Go and have a look!
You've probably seen this second one already, though it's a bit old now. I went to see Indiana Jones IV on Friday, and I don't think I'm spoiling anyone when I say that for all his excellent qualities, Indiana Jones is a truly crap archaeologist. (*weeps over destroyed treasures of the ancients*).
So to celebrate all things Jonesean, here's a link
in which Indiana Jones's application for tenure is turned down.
Also, thanks to everyone who filled in my Defriending Poll. The results are really interesting - and I want to reply to all the comments individually too - but I've got to get over the current little logjam of RL work before I can do that. See you at the other side!