ladyloves! - a f/f comment ficathon

Jun 23, 2012 11:00

I have been wanting to do this for awhile, so, LET'S.


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comment ficathon

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magisterequitum June 23 2012, 23:09:17 UTC
we'll paint this city red by morning

She finds her on a beach in Monaco, stretched out on the white sand, unaffected by the people around her, and at first Caroline thinks she may be wrong, her mind is confused, but no she sees legs and arms of bare skin that remains untouched by the sun's rays and knows she's right. There's no one else with her there on the beach; Caroline checks, peers over the rim of her sunglasses to the left and right, sees no one else familiar, no one that's family, and notices that there's only one towel laid out, not two. Alone.

Sixty years has made her a little braver, a little stronger, a little more sure of herself. She steps forward, the sand sifting under her feet though she doesn't feel the heat.

"You're blocking my sun." And yes, that's Rebekah. Same haughty tone that's half indifference and half attention craving.

"You can't tan," Caroline retorts as she kicks a tiny bit of sand onto Rebekah's leg. Rebekah's taller than her and her legs are longer and Caroline likes that she's got something on her now instead of all that naked skin.

Rebekah opens her eyes, narrowing them in something Caroline thinks is supposed to be frustration and anger. It makes her smile instead. Sniffing, and somehow Rebekah still manages to look regal even when she's horizontal and Caroline's standing above her, she says, "That's not the point. I'm trying." She tilts her head, appraising her, eyes traveling over the green biking Caroline had bought in the little shop not far from here before coming back to her face. "No dog or Salvatore brothers or dopplegangers here with you, I see. You're all alone."

"So are you," Caroline snaps back because she's still Caroline Forbes and can bring the bitch any day out to fight.

Shaking out her long hair, still blonde and shiny just like hers, Rebekah rolls her eyes and drops her head back down. "I was making an observation. No need to bark at me. Besides, I've grown tired of boys and their idiocy." She closes her eyes and goes silent, leaving Caroline standing above her like an idiot herself while the normal humans carry on around them. That answers the one towel question though.

Sixty years has made her a little lonely too.

Caroline drops to the sand, sinking down to her knees and then turning, stretching out until she's mirroring the other blonde's position. She's half on and half off the towel, sand on her right side of her body and Rebekah's warm skin on her right. The green of her biking looks brilliant against the pink of Rebekah's.

"Is there a reason you're still here?" One eye opens minutely to stare at her from the side.

Caroline pushes sand over her right foot with her left. She hasn't sat out like this, tanned like this, pretended to do any of this, in so long. It's kind of nice, to remember what she used to do when she was human. "I've been to France, all over, but I've never been here before. I could use a tour guide." She inflects on the end, leaving her statement an open question to hang in the hot air.

Rebekah turns to her then and her smile is blinding and white and so large. "Oh," she purrs, nudging Caroline's foot with her own. "We'll have so much fun tonight."


rosaxx50 June 25 2012, 21:49:44 UTC
Yes yes yes. Caroline coping with a longer life than she expected? Rebekah and Caroline bonding over their differences? This fic is wonderful.


fluffyfrolicker July 3 2012, 22:16:00 UTC
FUN FUN FUN :) Of course they're going to have loads of fun, I'm betting Rebekah already has loads of ideas :D

Great fic :)


weekendsinner July 8 2012, 11:59:07 UTC
Love their interactions in this. ""We'll have so much fun tonight."" Hell yes! ;D


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