(no subject)

Aug 01, 2008 23:16

I only write in here when I am at work, or studying too much and I need to do something else with my time... oh no they didn't, phone zoo, madradstalkers, madradhair and myspace are my biggest time wasters... blahhh

I now have 4 tattoos in total, all gotten this WEEK.. I must be crazy, I would love to get a huge chest piece but then I remember I am going to be a teacher, I am student teaching now and it will most likely not go over well with the kiddies or any of the positions I want to teach in unless I can find shirts that are all up to my neck or turtle necks and that is just horrible.

So HE has been calling, texting and asking to visit me... wtf... I met a cute guy at a tattoo place I was at, he is significantly older though so I am not sure how I feel about that.. I don't even know how I feel about dating anyone...

like there is this perfect guy out there for me, I know him, and I hate him... he also lives in California, is in a super successful band.. has all the things and qualities I like in a person butt I am not attracted to him, he is not my type at all... I leave work in less than half an hour... I am kind of excited to have part of Friday OFF! AGHGHGHH

I love days that I can sleep in...

Tomorrow I have way too many choices of things I could do... I need to stop procrastinating... and I am the biggest procrastinator.

Fuck you Jeremy, I hope you burn in hell.
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