My Sweet Baby Meaty

Jan 20, 2009 09:02

I am so sorry I wasn't with you for the last few months. I'm sorry I wasn't with you last night. I hope it was peaceful and that you didn't suffer at all. The last year and a half I had with you were wonderful; you brought a light to my life I don't think any human ever has or will. It's hard but I will try not to be angry that I didn't get to see you one more time. Just know that I will always love you, that there will alwas be a piece of my heart for you, and that I miss you and everything about you. Your snoring, burping, and farting; your barking and obsession with balls; your cuddles and kisses; your whines and desperate attempts to get on the bed (only to jump off again); your gross breath and heavy breathing; your head nuzzles; your chewing of boxes, plastic jugs, ropes, and the occasional chair leg; and most of all your sweet face and your ability to love anyone with as much as you could. You will be terribly missed and loved and I hope you miss and love me too. You're my beat and closest friend; I hope you are happy wherever you are. And if there is a heaven, I hope you get as many tennis balls as you cab destroy and as many milkbones as you can devour. Meaty, I love you.

via ljapp

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