ART: Losing Ground (WIP)

Jan 01, 2018 03:51

Challenge: spn-j2-xmas

Title: Losing Ground
Fandom: Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Dean & Faith (currently), Buffy & Sam (when complete). No pairing/gen.
Summary: The Winchesters have lost some ground with the monster they're hunting. Lucky for them, Buffy and Faith are also on the case.

My ramblings: Oh, man, be-my-precious, I'm going to have to start this thing off with about a thousand apologies. I'm sorry you got stuck with me, I'm so sorry for the lateness of this, and I am so, so, EPICALLY SORRY for the horribly incomplete state that it's in right now. D: This is just a couple snippets from a larger image, but I wanted to post something for you so you didn't have to start the new year off with no gift. I think I got a little too ambitious for my own good, what with how RL likes to trip me up at every opportunity and how slow I tend to be, but I was EXCITED for this one, darn it!

I went with your "knight in shining armor" and "Buffy crossover" likes. I also stalked your journal for a minute and saw you had a thing for Faith. :D BtVS was my intro to the wonderful world of fandom, and crossovers are one of my faaavorite things, so I was really eager to do something for that.

I'm sorry again it's not really done yet. I'm hoping to have the whole thing finished by the end of the week. In the meantime, I hope the holidays have been fantastic to you!

Thanks X a billion to the mods for the extension, and for running this thing.

FYI, Sam and Buffy will be in the final image, they're just being uncooperative at the moment. /o\

Happy, happy holidays to everyone!

status: wip, challenge: spn_j2_xmas, pairing: none/gen, category: art, crossover: buffy/supernatural

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